How the journey for young graduates continues..

Talents have started their training on the job at our partner enterprises in Senegal. This second phase is what we call: the immersion phase, which goes beyond just an internship because it contains an enterprise- and a personal project. Parallel to this 6-month enterprise immersion, talents have weekly Saturday Meetups to improve, train and further develop in skills the industry needs. This can whether be any technical skill in software (as that is what the cohort is about: Software Leadership) or life skills like time-management, leadership or project management.

2 min readJun 14, 2017


Arielle Nobime, who is one of the potential game-changers among cohort 1 has shared another testimony with us, read it below :).

Edacians working hard on Saturday Meetups on their Personal Development Plan, Dakar.

‘‘Hello my name is Arielle NOBIME and I have participated at the first cohort of EDACY.

EDACY is a complete program which includes an intensive training on Software Leadership and an internship in a local company.

It has been created to meet the needs of the young graduated students looking for remunerated internships or jobs, and companies looking for talented and productive employees.

This program is particularly pertinent because the formation is based on the needs of the companies and includes soft skills and personal development plan. After this intensive formation, we are ready for the immersion phase.

Those internships are really great opportunities for edacians to learn more and improve their knowledge base. Projects are assigned to them, so they have to resolve problems. They are really implicated in the company’s activities.

I had the chance to be selected at Cofina, a credit institution for SMEs and individuals, specialized in meso finance. Working there is a real pleasure; it is like a little family where people interact respectfully and work together to reach the objectives of the company.

EDACY is an amazing program, a real opportunity I would recommend to every student, looking for an internship or even more for a job. You should all apply for it.

Long live to EDACY.

Arielle Nobime‘s first blog can be read here!

About the Company Cofina:

Cofina is a Senegalese company operating across Africa. It offers meso-finance services to clients that can’t access banks credits and would not go for a micro credit, as it is too small to answer their financial needs in order to grow their businesses. Cofina clients are mainly informal sector actors, such as small business owners, start ups or associations, who are not comfortable with the classic banking system.




Apprenticeship training system for building job skills in Africa and emerging countries.