How to become a Software Leadership Talent in just 3 months

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2 min readApr 20, 2017

One of EDACY talents who is now ready for the next phase, the 6-month enterprise immersion, shared her experiences with us. Arielle Nobime is among the final selection of 20 talents that successfully passed the EDACY Fast Track in Software Leadership in Senegal. Arielle Nobime and Ndiate Sene are the only two women among the 20 talents. Both testimonies could inspire other women that programming is not just a man job. Besides, Arielle's words could motivate so many other young people to believe in what you do and fight for it.

My name is Arielle Nobime and I am half Beninese and half Nigerien. I am currently achieving a master in TIC’s Management and another in Networking and Multimedia at the ESMT (L’Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications, Dakar).

I was informed of EDACY’s program by a friend of mine. I was interested by the final internship proposal but had some doubts as I wondered if I would have time for doing this in parallel with my studies.

I registered anyways and started the online courses. And I was totally conquered, by the quality of the given courses.

It was incredibly affordable and comprehensible even for a beginner in programming and this pushed me to invest myself in this program. I then passed the exam and attended the bootcamp and this too was a fantastic experience of learning. In a great ambiance of sharing with talented and experienced people, we learnt a lot about design thinking, human centric design and creativity in different ways.

EDACY brought a new fantastic and funny way of learning and that is what we need in Africa. We need to believe in our capacities, to apply passion to everything we do, to see the opportunity in every obstacle. We need to change our mind and that is what EDACY really brought to us.

I especially believe in this program because I learnt in 3 days what would have taken 1 year to learn at university. I can not wait to see the next session.

Long live to EDACY!!!

Visit our website for more information about our cohort in Software Leadership in Senegal: and see how you as a student or enterprise can be part of this digital transformation.

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Apprenticeship training system for building job skills in Africa and emerging countries.