5 Tips to Consider for Facebook and Instagram’s Business Partner Feature

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3 min readNov 17, 2017


Recently Facebook and Instagram implemented some small technical changes with big implications. The Branded Partner feature allows influencers to clearly disclose when the content they are posting is sponsored by a brand. In the face of increasing scrutiny from regulators, this is a welcome move.

But there’s more. If an influencer tags a brand on a post with the Branded Partner feature, the brand can now use paid promotion to boost the post wherever they want.

Get ready. Things are about to change in influencer land.

With this functionality, Facebook could reduce the reach of sponsored influencer campaigns unless brands pay to extend that reach. It’s a commercially logical step, and they’ve done this before by reducing organic reach for posts from brand pages. So we may experience a drop in organic reach for sponsored influencer campaigns.

It’s a canny move by the social media giant. So what does this mean for marketers and communicators? Here are five things you need to know.

  1. We are all influenced by the people around us through the power of social proof. This is increasingly true as social media continues to unite us with those around the world. It’s a small wonder that influencer marketing has sprung up everywhere, as companies see ways to gain leverage through this method. That’s why budgets poured into influencer marketing are growing fast, whatever the industry. Like many others, Facebook is positioning itself to take advantage of the revenue opportunity this trend represents. Facebook’s change means we will have to change the way we activate influencer marketing campaigns — but the change itself underlines how important influencer marketing will continue to be for all communicators and marketers.
  2. By enabling paid promotion on the content of individual creators, Facebook is uncoupling influence from reach. They’re also making it much more important for influencer marketing to be integrated with intelligently targeted paid promotion. It’s not about activating bigger marketing budgets — though that sure helps! — but about making sure that every influencer activation is coupled with an appropriate level of intelligent paid support. With this we can now boost authentic influencer content directly on to the screens and in to the minds of the people that matter the most to the campaign.
  3. Research has increasingly shown that “a person like myself” is judged the most trusted spokesperson for a company, brand or product. This respect for the opinion of peers is a big reason influencer marketing is so valuable in the first place. But with this imperative often comes compromise. Should you go with the micro-influencer who is perfect for the brand and audience, or the more famous influencer with higher reach? On Facebook, authenticity is becoming more important. Thanks to Facebook’s change, communicators can make sure their message gets through regardless of the size of an influencer’s following. While reach still matters, a campaign can now focus more on the strength of the connection between an influencer, its audience, and the authentic values of the brand.
  4. Some research indicates that product-level marketing through influencers may receive some backlash. On the other hand, influencers naturally connect with their audiences based on shared values, just like any social relationship. That’s why they’re a natural fit for brand-level marketing, leveraging the overlap between purpose-driven brand values and the personal values of the influencer. When genuine shared values can take shape through an influencer’s unfettered creativity — that’s when magic can happen.
  5. Facebook owns Instagram, and this functionality is showing up in both networks. The other influencer marketing platforms — YouTube and Snapchat, as well as gaming services like Twitch — are sure to be watching carefully. If it is successful, they’re likely to follow suit with their own adaptations and innovations. The influencer explosion is far from over. Be sure to keep an eye out on this space.

Philip Trippenbach is the Head of Influencer at Edelman, London

Originally published at www.edelman.com on November 17, 2017.




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