[EDEN DIARY_BD] Social Fitness DApp: EdenStep by Hailee

Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2018

Social Fitness DApp: EdenStep

By Hailee Kim

In order to meet our long-term vision, BD team is currently working on many exciting projects. This includes a social fitness DApp, EdenStep.


1. Social Network

Following games, social network comes in second place where blockchain is and will be likely to be applied thanks to its possibility of tokenization, mass adaption, less regulation, and large market opportunities.

2. Fitness

According to the research from Lympo, more than 52% of smartphone users gather health-related information on their phone. In 2016 alone, mHealth app store downloads totaled 3.2 billion. (https://lympo.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/summary.pdf?v2)

3. Gamification

The process of taking something that already exists and integrating game mechanics into it to motivate participation, engagement, and loyalty. Applying gamification into the Dapp will be easier to apply tokenization and promote the excitement and motivation for the users.


After gathering data and information on popular incentive/reward mobile applications, pedometer and lottery type applications were decided to be the most viable methods to apply tokenization and social network features for this project. However, as we are preparing game DApps centering gambling, the opinions of the majority of team members favored fitness (pedometer) DApp.

1. Get healthy and get rewards

Users can participate in any games (challenges) freely. Users can choose which games to join as their preferences based on the elements including steps, entry fee, the number of participants, pool money, and length of the game. Users can create a game choosing the elements as described above. Steps can be chosen from the recommended numbers. It requires 5 days to open a new game, giving time for people to join. A game requires the minimum number of participants during the 5 preparation days.

Entry fee can be chosen when the game is created. When creating a game, users can choose freely within the range of entry fees that are recommended depending on the steps. Winners are guaranteed to get their entry fee returned. Pool money is divided evenly among every participant who achieves goals and wins the game.

2. Cheating solution

Sharing profile and step data between players: A player’s profile and step data must be shared and opened for anyone to see. Other participants can leave comments on his/her page.

Step data: Track the location and compare it to the starting point to see the total distance they’ve moved. Step data includes participating challenge, steps, track, distance, duration, and splits.

Report button: If 3/5 of participants suspect any fake steps or cheating, the player is reported. In any stages of the bet, they are terminated and lose the entry fee.

3. Connect with social media

Sync friends list: Connect with social network accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter when setting up the account or on settings.

Invite Friends: EdenStep allows users to invite people and compete one another




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