[EDEN DIARY_BD] Website Renewal by Jessica

Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2018

Website Renewal

by Jessica Park

By the combination of lines and colors,
under the pretext of some motif taken from nature,
I create symphonies and harmonies that represent nothing absolutely real in the ordinary sense of the word
but are intended to give rise to thoughts as music does.
– Paul Gauguin

The new website of EdenChain has disappointed the community. To reassure the community and better represent the identity of our project, we have decided to renew our website once again. The following is a description of some of the process associated with this renewal.

1. Identifying problems
First, we needed to identify the problems with the current website; we were able to identify two major problems. The first is that the visual elements and associated graphics did not properly portray the intended contents. In addition, the main colors used were cyan and salmon. These colors are not commonly used in the IT industry. The overall graphic design was composed of colors and images that are often used by design or construction companies. It was intended to give a sophisticated vibe, but it failed to produce the positive effect that we had expected.

2. Content composition
The website should represent EdenChain. The immediate perception or vibe can be done with graphic elements, but the specific impressions should better reflect the intended contents. These include ‘who we are’, ‘what we want to do’ and ‘how we are going to achieve our objectives’. The content in the renewed website has been created to better accomplish this.
The Eden community has shown a great interest in the core team members of EdenChain. Therefore, brief profiles have been added to the homepage. We’ve also added a menu for ‘Garden of Eden’ that has recently attracted the attention of the community. The rest of the content is composed of the Eden vision, platform architecture, approach, Go to Market Strategy, long-term and short-term roadmaps.
The contents are planned to be updated periodically even after the website is officially renewed. Any additional menus will be added as needed.

3. Graphic concept
A lot of research was undertaken for the graphic concept. Each color has its own temperature and personality. In addition, brightness or darkness provides different vibes to the website. Color was identified as definitely the most important issue throughout the process as it is closely related to human psychology.
The images that EdenChain wants to portray are “trust” and “innovation”. Therefore, blue was the first consideration as it represents “trust”. Indeed, it is one of the most common colors used by many IT companies and software companies like Etherium.

How about some bold colors? Yellow is a very bold color. It is also the brightest color and often used with dark colors. Korea’s Kakaotalk well-marked its identity with yellow and brown color.

The representative color of McDonald’s is known to be red. However, it once used a green background to promote the healthy image of its brand. Though green commonly represents an eco-friendly message, it also often provides creative vibes. For this reason, there are many cases where software companies, especially start-ups, use green. It relaxes the eyes and portrays a semblance of freshness. Purple, on the other hand, has a unique or mysterious vibe. It also feels quite young. It may appear unstable or float depending on brightness and saturation. It is a color that needs to be implemented with care. Orange has a feeling of intimacy and athleticism. It also expresses vigorous happiness. It is the identity color of Bitcoin.

After a careful consideration, purple was chosen to be the main theme color of the EdenChain website. We used blue to visualize trust and purple to reflect freshness and invoke mystery vibes. Color temperature can be divided into cool color and warm color. From PB to BG shown in the following table, the color reflects cold feelings. From R to Y warm colors with warm feelings are reflected. Others are referred to as neutral colors. Color has texture as well as temperature. Roughness makes the flow of time feel lengthy, whereas smoothness can make the flow of time seem short.

We wanted to create a luxurious feeling by adjusting the brightness of purple and by adding blue to enhance the characteristics of each color. Also, white which matches well with any color was used to form a stable and balanced atmosphere.
One of the menus, Garden of Eden, has many green colors. This is to give a healthy, fresh and life-like feel. We believe that the ambiance of Garden of Eden and the image in which the DApps are activated fits well with the nature of lifecycle and animation. The combination of green and purple turned out to be surprisingly fresh.

In addition to the color concept, we also discussed the incorporation of motion into graphics. This concerned the image on the background or how it was displayed upon moving pages or menus. We also considered how the content should be visually laid out for optimal viewability. For example, on the profile page, we considered how many profiles should be placed on one line to ensure that the overall picture appears stable.

Working back and forth with our designer, we previewed the sample contents and shared ongoing feedbacks and ideas. There is no perfect design that satisfies everyone. However, we hope that many people will be satisfied with the new website. I hope that sharing the hard work we put in for the website will create a positive outlook for it!




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