[Eden Diary_TD] About EdenChain Beta Release by Jacki Heo

Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2019

About EdenChain Beta Release
by Jacki Heo

The time has come — we released the Beta Release of the Mainnet on March 29th.

Unlike previous releases of Testnet or E-Tester, the network will remain constant.

Testnet, released earlier for about 3 months, did not support a connection for development. With this beta release, however, the connection for developers will be available; the SDK officially provides the connection and is released with the beta release.

In a previous blog, we announced that the EdenChain mainnet will be released in three stages. The purpose of such a staged release can be simply explained as follows:

  1. The Beta Release is to deploys the SDK and required documents for user authentication, SignUp, and Token interface.
  2. The Candidate Release is to provide a block-related testnet and Explorer as well as additional information about dApp development.
  3. The General Release deploys the actual Mainnet and simultaneously distributes the dApp Store Platform.

This approach follows that of other blockchain projects such as Ethereum, which maintains a testnet.

The Mainnet is where the actual native tokens are needed to run a dApp or program and to do so you will need to own tokens. Since the Mainnet is hence not suitable for tests (any changes that are made to a program will be permanent) we are providing various networks for testing, the first of which is the Beta Release Network released on March 29th.

This Beta Release Network has several features.

First, the Beta Release Network is connected to the Ethereum Ropsten TestNetwork. As indicated above, If you connect to the mainnet you will use actual money to send and receive the EDN tokens, which makes it problematic to use it for testing purposes. For this reason, the tokens in the Beta Release will not have any real value. The Candidate Release is also a testnet and connected to Ethereum Ropsten Network. The General Release is not a testnet, however, and it will be connected to Ethereum mainnet.

In this case, however, a problem arises: EDN Tokens are required on Ethereum to test each function but you cannot get an EDN officially on TestNet.

In order to solve this problem, an EDN Faucet will be released. It will provide each user 100 EDNs upon request. At this time, only one Ethereum wallet and IP address has been authorized to prevent unnecessary consumption. In other words, if you applied for 100 EDNs today, your application will be rejected within 24 hours and you will be able to reapply the next day. In addition, restrictions through IP addresses will be enforced to prevent multiple Ethereum addresses from being generated and reapplied without a restriction on addresses.

Additionally, the SDK to provide service signup or authentication and the ability to use each of the required APIs will be supplied. Note we currently only provide APIs using Python and Javascript, but will provide more APIs in the future. Our goal is to use the SDK to make all the functions of the EdenChain readily available.

Finally, some comments on the wallet. The wallet for the EdenChain has been released. The wallet provides an ERC-20 based Ethereum interface, so users can manage their existing EDN Tokens. However, in order to maintain compatibility with the Beta release, only the Ropsten TestNetwork is connected at the moment. We will support additional networks upon every new release. The full version will, of course, be released in the General Release.

Please note that edendocs.edenchain.io was shared to update the information about the Beta release and that the doc will be continuously updated for additional updates and releases.

Thank you for your support as we endeavor to enable the reliable, fast and easy use of EdenChain.

EdenChain Docs: https://edendocs.edenchain.io

Beta Release Announcement: https://edenchain.io/announcement-beta-release/

Mainnet Release Plan: https://edenchain.io/mainnet-release-plan/

