Eden Master Node Program

Published in
6 min readNov 1, 2018

1. Overview

Eden master node program is an opportunity for long term Edenchain supporters, especially those who believe in our vision and strategy, to contribute and share the fruits of our success. EDN holders can stake a predetermined number of EDN token through a hyper node or a super node to unlock the ability to contribute to Edenchain through marketing/ promotional efforts or node governance. Masternode contributors will receive token rewards based on work done and other contributions.

Eden believes that blockchain will shape the new future economy, an economy where every individual will have more opportunities to create wealth. As a pioneer to the new blockchain economy, Eden is well positioned to deliver blockchain-based services that can generate real-world utility and power the new future economy.

Through our master node program, Eden is inviting DApp developers and business partners to join us in our journey of growth and adoption.

Key Master Node Features

– Edenchain is a permissioned blockchain platform that uses cloud services to ensure a high degree of availability. In this structure, master node holders/ stakers do not need to provide computing resources to support the Eden blockchain.

– In the Edenchain ecosystem, master nodes act as a gateway to attract new and able business partners to provide marketing/promotional advisory and node governance. To qualify as a master node contributor, holders will have to stake a predetermined number of EDN tokens.

– Master node contributors are rewarded for their work done.

This document aims to provide a brief overview of the master node program. More details will be released post-mainnet where staking starts. With regards to reward sharing information, more updates will be provided as we gain further insights from DApp developers through the on-boarding process.

In general, Edenchain will not be able to discuss explicitly about specific incentives due to legal sensitivity around master node mechanisms. More details will be revealed after mainnet is launched.

Understanding our Blockchain Platform

Eden’s blockchain platform gives developers the ability to create their own dedicated blockchain systems through the namespace technology. This means that each Eden DApp can have full control on their individual chain configurations which guarantees greater transparency and privacy. Each of these dedicated blockchain is operated through a specific set of super nodes/ super blocks. To ensure that the transaction data stored in each super blocks is fully secured, the transaction data hash key is stored in hyper nodes.

As the Eden network expands and the number of DApps increases, more super node/super block networks will be created to support greater platform scalability. In a network of 100 DApps for example, up to 100 super blocks can be created. As an additional layer of security, all transactional hash keys will be stored in the hyper node /hyper blocks network after the transaction is processed through the super blocks.

2. Role of Master Nodes

There are 2 types of master nodes in the Edenchain platform: (i) Super nodes, and (ii) Hyper nodes.

Super node

Super nodes are nodes that contribute to a super block. In Eden, super block refer to a dedicated blockchain system for a specific DApp. The minimum number of super nodes in a super block is 3–4 nodes. When a DApp executes a blockchain transaction, the transaction will be stored in the corresponding super block. Each super block is a unique blockchain system and is not connected or related to other super blocks.

Edenchain uses Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX) to create a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) that allows only trusted nodes to execute transactions. As an additional layer of security, Edenchain stores the hash key of the transaction data on the hyper block. This extra layer of protection prevents blockchain attacks or data manipulation due to SGX faults and other attacks due to smaller node confirmations set. As a permission blockchain, Eden uses a relatively lower number of confirmations to achieve faster transactions speeds.

Super node contributors are considered an integral part of the Eden DApp ecosystem. All nodes contributors are appointed as an Eden business partner and receive a DApp contribution reward. To support the success of the respective DApps, super nodes contributors are required to conduct marketing/ promotional activities as part of the super node responsibilities. To participate in the super node program, investors will stake EDN for the right to perform super node duties; there is no need to run a node or contribute computing power. Super node contributors will be rewarded based on the fulfilment of super nodes responsibilities.

* Expected super nodes responsibilities:
– DApp promotion/ marketing

Hyper node

The hyper nodes forms the hyper block of the Edenchain blockchain. The hyper block is considered the ‘global block’ that holds the single proof of transaction in the entire Eden blockchain. This means that in this structure, there will only be 1 hyper block blockchain supporting the whole Eden network of multiple super blocks. Unlike super blocks, the number of hyper block does not alter with the increase/decrease of DApp numbers.

All transactions produced by the individual super block will have its hash keys stored and processed in the hyper block. As the hyper block is expected to process a large number of transactions and guarantee the absence of data manipulation, hyper node contributors may be allocated a reward for supporting the governance of the network.

One of the important roles that the hyper nodes stakers will be required to perform is the audit of new super nodes into the Edenchain network. This role requires hyper node contributors to have a deep understanding of blockchain technology while holding a well-balanced understanding of projects and the market as a whole. To participate in the hyper node program, investors will stake EDN tokens for the right to perform the hyper node duties; there is no need to run a node or contribute computing power. Hyper node contributors will be rewarded based on the fulfilment of hyper nodes responsibilities.

* Expected hyper node responsibilities:
– Super node approval
– Setting up super node governance

3. Required Staking & Rewards

A master node contributor could be rewarded in 2 ways:

– Reward :
Reward based on completion of master node responsibilities

– Bonus tokens :
Eden will distribute bonus tokens to master node contributors


When will the master node program start?

– The master node program will be initiated only after the mainnet is launched.

What do I need to do to participate in master node program?

– See section 3 for required conditions towards master node participation.

How will Edenchain select master nodes?

– Selection details will be announced after mainnet launch.

How many DApps are expected?

– In year 2019, Edenchain expects around 10 DApps to be built on top of the Edenchain platform.

What if there is very low amount of stakers?

– As Edenchain is a permissioned blockchain and uses cloud services to maintain the availability of its network. This means that the functionality of the network will not be affected by staker volume. That said, in the event where there are insufficient hyper nodes (that fulfil our requirements) to proceed with node governance, we may promote selected super nodes to hyper nodes status.




A programmable economy platform. A next-generation blockchain platform for a decentralized world. https://edenchain.io