[Partnership] Dorothy and CryptoAtoms

Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2019

Do you get super excited about studying chemistry? Why ask? There is a dApp that reminds users of chemistry, however, it’s fun (yes, fun!) even for those without any proclivity for the subject.


A screen-captured image from CryptoAtoms.org

CryptoAtoms is a dApp where users build their unique atoms. These atoms are digital assets, non-fungible tokens, which you can trade, sell, and buy. Just like each atom in the physical world has its unique properties, these crypto atoms have distinctive traits. Interestingly enough, these are characterized by a string called DNA (biology meeting chemistry). These atoms are combinable, leading to a new kind of atom with traits it inherits from the parental atoms. Moreover, these atoms can create progenies, called sons. When an atom makes a certain number of sons, the atom evolves! When your atom evolves, its value also goes up.

A screen-captured image from CryptoAtoms.org

There are two main ways which you can earn Ether with CryptoAtoms: spread and sell. Place your CryptoAtoms on the market so that others can browse them. When someone asks to merge their atom with yours, you can receive a spreading fee. You can set your spreading fee as well! The higher the level your CryptoAtom has, the higher the value and the spreading fee would be. If you are ready to release some of your collection, then you can sell your CryptoAtoms.

A screen-captured image from CryptoAtoms.org

Each atom comes with a list of characteristics as shown above. Your atom may have rare characteristics that increase its value.

If you want to browse through CrpytoAtoms, visit our partner, OpenSea.io, or stop by at RareBits. You will find extensive lists of CrpytoAtoms available for purchase.

Find the featured dApp on Dorothy

If you are interested in the Dorothy Partnership Program, please contact us via any of the channels listed below.

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