[Partnership] Dorothy and EOS Park

Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2019

Today let us introduce you to another Dorothy partner, EOS Park, a professional EOS data service provider.

EOS Park

A screen-captured image from https://eospark.com/

EOS Park serves as a hub where you can find all the information related to the EOS blockchain system. With an intuitive UI/UX, finding the resource you need is easy and uncomplicated.

For developers

Below is some of what you may find interesting on EOS Park for your next EOS dApp project.

A screen-captured image from https://eospark.com/semantic/playground
  • EOS Studio: a graphic IDE (integrated development environment) for easy EOS dApp development.
  • EOS Park Contract Semantic: it converts the contract call’s data into Natural Language that normal users can understand. It lowers the entry bar for normal users to join in the EOS ecology.
  • EOS Park API: they provide API to help more developers easily create unique EOS dApps. They currently provide four types of APIs, and those are HTTPS, WebSockets, SnapShot Data, and RPC.
  • EOS Park Security: a platform displaying security information of smart contracts built on EOS. They aim to build a community of EOS users where essential security information can be disclosed.

Even if you are not interested in developing your own dApps, EOS Park provides you other services you may like.

For Investors

A screen-captured image from https://eospark.com/chart/trading_accounts

If you are an investor looking to make data-guided decisions, you can find all the charts you could need at EOS Park. They have three categories of charts: General Charts, Resource Charts, and Market Charts.

  • General Charts: Accounts, Increased Transactions, Tokens, Contracts, and Transfer Amount
  • Resource Charts: RAM price
  • Market Charts: EOS Price; data from top 10 exchanges for the following information: incoming transactions, trading accounts, incoming amount

As it provides wallet functions, you can also manage authorization, proxy, and trade ram, all in a simple manner from this one website.

For gamers and explorers

A screen-captured image from https://eospark.com/dapps

Just for fun, you can easily access all the fun EOS game from EOS Park. It is nice that you can develop, invest, and relax all at the same place. Way to go EOS Park for living up to your slogan: the most professional EOS data service provider

If you are interested in the Dorothy Partnership Program, please contact us via any of the channels listed below.

Find featured dApps at Dorothy.Network

Dorothy Links
Telegram: https://t.me/edenchainio
Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/edenchainannouncements
Website: https://edenchain.io/
Twitter: twitter.com/edenchainio
Reddit: reddit.com/r/edenchainio

