[Partnership] Dorothy and TronJack

Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2019

If there were a theme park for slot games, I think it would be like this. Let me introduce you to our partner, Tronjack.


Tronjack is one of the highest quality casino dApps we’ve encountered. Not only does it offer a plethora of fun slot games, the overall UI/UX and visual design are very neat and clean. Everything users need to know is laid out in such a way that users intuitively know what to do. Moreover, given that slot games can be flashy, a typical site design can often tire the viewer’s eyes. That is not, however, the case with Tronjack. It is very clean but not boring; organized but still dynamic.

A screenshot from https://tronjack.io/en/slot-game

When I visit a site with poor UI/UX, I often wander around, looking for the information I need. Sometimes, they are so complicated that I feel like I am learning about the site all over again the next time I visit. Not so for Tronjack!

Tronjack has fun slot games with exciting designs. There are currently 47 slot games, each with high-quality graphic design. The most recent additions are Ice Storm and DJ Remix. BGM and Game Effects are on auto-play, and turning them off is easy — just click the music icon and slide the buttons.

The site provides How to Play for Jacks or Better, and Hi-Lo, and Tronjack for Fun. Tronjack for Fun is a platform designed for users to play with SHIT coins and gain SHITpoints. With enough SHIT points, you stand for a chance to win TRX/TJT (Tronjack Token). Current supported Shitcoins are GEX, DOO, TCT, BOG, HDT, and GAME.

They also offer staking rewards. You must first freeze your TJT share. After that, you are eligible for a piece of the 36% of dividends that will be shared with token holders every day. To unfreeze your stake, allow Tronjack a 24 hour-window to process your request.

If you refer your friend with the link, you receive tokens amounting to15% of your friend’s bets.

To play Tronjack, you can use one of the following wallets: Tronlink, Venapi, Banko, GuildChat, MathWallet, and EMPOW wallet. Tronjack and EMPOW wallet are running a collaborative event. Play Tronjack with EMPOW wallet, and earn up to 5,000 EM tokens, and mine up to 45 EM token each bet.

With that many revenue options and the fun event, what is there to lose? Give Tronjack a try if you have been looking for slot games with lots of fun themes with great UI/UX.

Find the featured dApp on Dorothy

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