Pegasus: Multi-currency Payment Solution

Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2019

What is Pegasus? It is our multi-currency payment solution that enables seamless blockchain commerce.

As of now, inter-currency transactions remains as the largest roadblock to blockchain mass adoption.

Let’s picture this. You have only Ethereum. You came across a dApp that does not accept ETH, but only Bitcoin. What do you need to do?
First, you need to go to an exchange. You then sell your ETH and receive the proceeds in your wallet. Now you need to buy Bitcoin. Wait, do you not have a wallet for Bitcoin?

If not, you’ll first need to make a wallet for Bitcoin. Then go back to the exchange. Buy some Bitcoin. And finally, go back to the dApp.

Uh oh, you played the game until you ran out of your Bitcoin, but you want to play more. Now you need to go back to the exchange and repeat the process. AGAIN! This is no fun!

Pegasus is EdenChain’s answer to the issue.

Pegasus cuts away all those exhausting steps and lets you simply enjoy the game. Without having to visit an exchange, Pegasus will swap your coins into the currency you want.

The exchange service refers to the available standard rates provided by market data from multiple websites such as coinmarketcap. To provide a stable service, we will take a rate that will benefit all the participants: users, dApp developers, and EdenChain.

Also, Pegasus makes sure that the coin conversions are carried out quickly. Have you ever waited for more than an hour because something went wrong during a transaction at an exchange? Pegasus has got your back. Use Pegasus and say good-bye to those unpleasant long waits just to have your currency exchanged.

What does this mean for you?

For users, Pegasus handles currency exchanges on their behalf and facilitates a seamless dApp experience. Therefore, it will provide them an experience similar to that of using Apps on centralized platforms.

For developers, they can integrate Pegasus into their dApp projects. As customers can pay using any cryptocurrency from anywhere in the world, it will significantly open up the userbase. Moreover, it will liberate developers from the obligation of staying with a certain currency because of the platform their services require.

We believe that Pegasus will be instrumental in fast-forwarding blockchain mass adoption.

You will be able to meet Pegasus very soon. Stay tuned for more updates.

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