Eden Relay: One Month Later

Organic Growth, High Performance

Luke Lichtenstein
Eden Network
3 min readOct 20, 2022


This past Saturday was the one month anniversary of The Merge; Ethereum’s landmark transition to Proof of Stake. That also means Eden Relay and block builder launched exactly one month ago, and it’s been eventful, to say the least.

In the first two weeks, we took a deliberately measured approach to the number of blocks proposed by our builder. We used the time to accumulate and analyze data, test some block reordering strategies, and work on general optimization.

The second two weeks is where the fun really began and this graph tells the story.

The first red arrow represents the initial upgrade to the Eden builder, which provided a nice bump in blocks proposed.

The second red arrow, however, illustrates the subsequent upgrade that was rolled out late on October 8th. The improvements showed instant success, with our proposed blocks increasing by 50% in the following seven days!

Throughout all of this, Eden Relay also maintained a block reward of 3x the network average, and for a period of time held the highest average profitability of ALL relays on Ethereum.

Steady, organic growth has always been our goal, and we are pleased to see Eden Relay is now consistently amongst Ethereum’s top performing relays.

Eden Relay is now connected to over 90,000 validators, including Chorus One, SharedStake, Stakin, Stakely.io and Allnodes. This represents more than 20% of the overall hashrate; satisfying progress with plenty of room for continued growth.

With ~60% collective hashrate, Eden Rocket RPC is faster than it has ever been on Ethereum PoS. On average, transactions will be included in every 2–3 blocks, meaning a 20–30 second confirmation time to ensure your DEX trades are protected from frontrunning and sandwich attacks. Eden Rocket RPC web3 wallet setup takes literally one minute.

R&D is at the heart of everything we do, and we will continue development of Eden Relay, including imminent expansion to allow access by third-party builders, as well as partner with more and more validators in the coming months.

As one of the most profitable relays on Ethereum, Eden Relay is well positioned to help validators maximize their revenue. We highly recommend all validators connect to multiple relays (not just Eden) to aid decentralization in the consensus layer and reduce potential latency and downtime.

Eden Relay integration takes 5–10 minutes for those already running mev-boost. All details available in our docs, or feel free to DM us on Twitter, or chat to us on Discord if you need more info.

