Introducing: Eden Rocket RPC (beta)

Eden Network
Eden Network
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2021

Today we have the pleasure of announcing the beta release of a completely new product category for private transactions on Ethereum.

Eden Rocket RPC is a smart transaction relay that uses multiple techniques for block inclusion. As of today Eden Rocket RPC utilises an estimated 85% hashrate which results in it being the fastest private RPC on the market.

For more information on the benefit of private pools refer to this blog post

This product is in Beta: It increases the speed of private transactions considerably, but there are some trade offs compared to using the Eden RPC which we outline below.

How does it work?

Today, the Eden Rocket RPC aggregates the hashrate from three private transaction pools on the market: Eden, Ethermine and Flashbots. Together, these three private transaction pools account for an estimated 85% of the Ethereum hashrate.

When a user submits a transaction to the beta RPC, it is sent to three transaction pools at the same time for processing (the three mentioned above).

The techniques and details for transaction handling are subject to change and improvement.

Eden Rocket RPC prioritizes speed on private transactions based on whatever is possible in the market.

What does this mean for your trades?

Ultimately the outcome should be significantly faster private transactions using Eden Rocket RPC compared to any other private transaction RPC on the market.

By today aggregating the hashpower of three networks over one, Eden Rocket RPC ensures that transactions are processed as quickly as possible.

These private RPCs collectively all offer sandwich / frontrunning protection meaning you can now, on paper, receive protection for a private transaction through an estimated 85% of the hash rate.

What are the tradeoffs?

Each private RPC has different features and is operated by a separate party. There are weaker guarantees for transaction execution, MEV protection and transaction priority.

In the worst case, your transaction will be handled as if it was submitted to the public transaction pool.

Important: Eden Network cannot control if any of the supported private transaction pools change how their RPC handles transactions.

Finally, assuming the trader also has EDEN staked, they will only receive transaction priority in situations where the transaction is mined by an Eden block producer.

This product is in BETA and traders using it must accept the risks outlined above.

Where can you track your transactions?

You will be able to track your Eden Rocket RPC transactions’ progress through the Eden Block Explorer.

After submission, the explorer will show which transaction pools the transaction is waiting in, and ultimately which it gets mined to.

What are the RPC details?

Add Eden Rocket to your wallet like any other RPC using the following:

Network Name: Eden Rocket

Chain ID: 1

Currency Name: ETH


Explorer URL:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This aggregator endpoint is still in beta, so use it at your own risk. The team has been using it extensively for weeks with good performance and no reported issues thus far.

We prioritised the launch of the Eden Rocket RPC for our community in a beta format— the beta Rocket RPC does weight rewards for SEV Layer 1.

NB: We will be conducting ongoing monitoring on how each private transaction queue treats users’ transactions. If you see any issues please contact us in our discord.



Eden Network
Eden Network

Up to date information on Eden Network. Follow @EdenNetwork on Twitter.