Five Reasons to Get Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

Cameron Edgar
Edgar Family Chiropractic
3 min readFeb 13, 2020

Not obtaining adequate relief from low back pain? Complementary drug-free treatment solutions such as acupuncture can help in the successful management of various physical ailments, including low back pain.

Having difficulty managing lower back pain? Have you considered acupuncture as an adjunct treatment solution? This traditional Chinese medicine practice has been around for thousands of years and is increasingly being recognized as an effective treatment for pain relief. Here are some reasons to consider acupuncture for your low back pain condition.

Stimulates Body’s Natural Healing Process

There are a few ways in which acupuncture provides relief from low back pain. According to ancient Chinese medicine theory, health issues arise due to a disturbance or imbalance in the body’s energy flow. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles at specific points on the body. This helps remove energy flow blockages and restores much needed balance. Apart from this, acupuncture treatment stimulates the body’s nervous system to release naturally occurring chemicals that help reduce pain sensation.

Is A Natural and Drug-Free Solution

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact pharmacologic solution to treat low back pain. Some people do not obtain adequate pain relief with the use of medications or may not be suitable for certain medications. Sometimes, medical doctors need to do a bit of experimenting to arrive at the correct combination of medications. However, there is the issue of undesirable side effects — especially while using medications in the long run — for managing a chronic pain condition. You can avoid these challenges with acupuncture because acupuncture is a natural treatment that does not involve the use of medications.

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Safe When Done By Experts

When performed by a trained and licensed acupuncturist, acupuncture is a safe treatment solution for obtaining relief from lower back pain. A trained and licensed acupuncturist will know which points to stimulate and will make precise insertions to obtain best outcomes. Acupuncture needles are not like the regular needles or injections you find in hospitals. They are very thin, solid, single-use needles made from stainless steel. You may experience a very mild sensation when the needles are being inserted, but after that there is no pain. There are usually no side-effects, especially when done by an experienced acupuncturist.

Complements Other Treatment Strategies

Acupuncture is a natural alternative treatment solution that can be safely combined with other treatments to bring out best outcomes. Regular acupuncture sessions bring about a wide range of secondary health benefits. Most people feel relaxed and peaceful after a treatment session. It is especially useful for people who may be suffering from stress or anxiety. Over time, people experience an improvement in overall health.

Cost-Effective In the Long Run

When it comes to treating chronic ailments such as low back pain, acupuncture can turn out to be very cost-effective in the long run. Some patients obtain immediate relief after just one session, whereas for others, it may take longer. The acupuncturist may recommend other inexpensive strategies such as dietary changes to help manage the condition. Some health insurance companies provide coverage for acupuncture treatments or at least parts of it, which effectively reduces financial burden.

Want to consult an acupuncturist to discuss your lower back pain condition? Book an appointment with a trustworthy chiropractic clinic in Burlington, Canada!



Cameron Edgar
Edgar Family Chiropractic

Dr. Cameron Edgar is a renowned Chiropractor experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of skeletal, muscular and nervous system disorders.