[PROJECT] Thika Greens Golf Clubhouse

Edward Mugo
E.D.G. & Atelier Architects
3 min readFeb 21, 2017

The Clubhouse is the signature building for the Thika Greens golf Estate. The club possess a cottage typology and has rustic finish. It was conceived by EDG & Atelier during a design competition the club house echo’s the profile of the majestic Ol Donyo Sabuk ( Kilimambogo) mountain that rises a majestic 2,145 metres out of the ground.

Domer windows at the club house are utilized to bring light into the upper levels the roof creating attic spaces and giving the building its unique character. It integrates with the surroundings and the indigenous landscape creating a responsive and sensitive architecture while still being functional.

Local stone and timber have been utilized for walls windows and doors with the sweeping roof design almost tent like in its stretching giving a light and airy feel to the building.

The building is designed to have natural light to every room and natural ventilation. In keeping with this, an energy efficient approach a solar system has been installed to supply up to 60% of the lighting and water heating need.

With an area of 2622 square metres the building has three levels with the top most floor within the attic. The ground floor consists of facilities that are accessible to the public and those that may require quick and easy access i.e. Reception area, ample lounges, change rooms, Steam room, bar and restaurant. The upper floors have offices, a lounge, library and conference facilities.

All the floors have terraces with the ground floor having eating area terrace while the upper area has a terrace to the lounges, conference rooms & meeting rooms. The terraces are placed both to enjoy the views of the golf course, the majestic Kilimabogo mountain and the fresh upcountry air.




Edward Mugo
E.D.G. & Atelier Architects

C.E.O. and Principal Architect at E.D.G. & Atelier Architects |Nairobi and Mombasa