Is Artificial Intelligence Going to Kill Us All?

It’s tempting to go all existential when talking about the risks of artificial intelligence, but as this playlist from ASU shows, far more nuance is needed if we’re going to get this right!

Andrew Maynard


Future building, it has to be said, is tough–really tough. Especially when the aim is to create a future that’s better than the past, and not just one that’s different.

The irony is that we live in a time when there is so much incredible potential to build a better future. Our knowledge, our understanding, our imagination and creativity, and our capacity for innovation, all far-surpass those of previous generations.

And yet, we have more ways of destroying, or at least seriously diminishing, what lies in front of us, than ever before.

On the one hand there are the in-your-face planetary threats–the charismatic megafauna of the global threats world–threats like climate change, environmental pollution and loss of biodiversity; all of them having their roots in our myopic profligacy as a species.

Then there are the persisting challenges of social justice and equity that you’d have thought we’d be grown up enough to handle by now; but apparently not.



Andrew Maynard

Scientist, author, & Professor of Advanced Technology Transitions at Arizona State University