The Future You

A futurist’s guide to building the future you hope for (review)

Andrew Maynard


“The Future You: Break Through the Fear and Build the Life You Want” Brian David Johnson

“We’ve been sent the wrong book!” — this was my wife a week or so ago, on opening one of the increasingly ubiquitous Amazon packages that seem to litter our doorstep.

The package was a self-help book, and so out of character for me to purchase that my wife immediately assumed there’d been a mistake.

It’s not that I don’t need help — I’m as much of a hot mess as the next person — it’s just that I have other ways of navigating this, rather than diving into the latest volume on how to be successful/happy/rich/famous/etc.

But, counter to expectations, I had ordered this book!

The book was The Future You: Break Through the Fear and Build The Life You Want by my good friend and colleague Brian David Johnson. And I’d purchased it because that’s what you do when a friend publishes a book.

Plus, I was more than a little curious to see what he’d actually written!

Futurecasting for Beginners

As you might suspect, my thoughts about the book — and to be clear, this is a review of it — are somewhat biased. Publishing a book is a big deal, and I’m not about to throw a colleague under the bus.



Andrew Maynard

Scientist, author, & Professor of Advanced Technology Transitions at Arizona State University