What can sci-fi movies teach us about technology ethics?

Twelve science fiction movies that explore the relationship between technology and society, while still being entertaining

Andrew Maynard


Even with advanced technology, arresting people before they’ve done anything probably isn’t a good idea. Source: Minority Report/Twentieth Century Fox

Who’d of thought a few years ago, that ethical innovation would be such a hot topic. Yet every other day, it seems, some company or scientist discovers to their dismay that, as technologies become ever-more powerful, so do the ethical challenges they raise.

Gene edited human embryos, predictive policing, facial recognition, babysitter screening, data privacy and social media, and everything AI it sometimes seems — these and many other areas of tech innovation are throwing up complex social and ethical challenges that don’t have easy answers.

As they do, how can innovators, companies, consumers, and others, begin to navigate them?

Surprising as it may seem, one way is to watch more science fiction movies.

Sci-fi films are notorious for getting the “science” bit wrong. But because they often draw on stories about technology, people, and what can go wrong when you mix them together, many of these movies provide a great entry in to technology ethics, and the social responsibility that comes with great technological power.



Andrew Maynard

Scientist, author, & Professor of Advanced Technology Transitions at Arizona State University