OWASP VI Spain Meeting -2010: And still bruteforcing

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1 min readJul 9, 2010

Hi all, the past 19 of June i presented at OWASP VI Spain Meeting, a review of Bruteforce attacks in web applications, this is an old technique that is still useful for the attackers, and i showed with examples that is present in many attacks that affect big companies like Facebook, Yahoo, AT&T, Tuenti, etc. Also i presented the latest version of Webslayer a tool to perform all kind of bruteforce attacks in web applications.

You can find the presentation here:

And also the video of the talk (spanish) here.

Here is a picture of the conference showing the Webslayer results interface:

Next version will add some requested features like multiple proxies support, delay between request, and many more.

Stay tuned and enjoy…


