Semi Automatic Daydreaming: Why TV Should Be More Fun

M. Dorn
Edge Video AI
Published in
4 min readApr 9, 2024

“TV is simply automatic daydreaming,” — said Lee Leovinger, once-commissioner of the FCC. Our wonder at the moving images has never ceased, like flickers of fire upon a cave wall. From Magic Lanterns to Zoetropes, to TVs, to phones, we’ve literally spent millennia trying to make the shadow puppets of our imagination dance and tell stories.

And our exploration has not ceased yet. The widespread proliferation of screens, streams, and movie machines throughout our society makes them our constant companions, visual chatterboxes — literally — that accompany us on our day-to-day. Not just our personal ones too, but in hotels, airports, and public squares. Everywhere we look we are able to look at something.

Perhaps the needle swung too far. Despite our joy in and consumption of endless content media entertainment, its excess has in part been its ruin. The content itself, so numerous and diverse, all takes on less of a meaning. Before, when there were four channels and one shared screen to gather, everything felt like an event. Now, often it feels like a chore — even the things we enjoy.

So… There is a need for change. It’s time to turn automatic daydreaming into semi-automatic. It’s time to make content fun again. And not just some, specific, sandboxed content — but all content. Every stream and every screen everywhere takes content to the edge — with Edge Video. Simple, accessible, and fun. Ready to play along?

How Edge Video Makes Content Fun

Edge Video brings every stream to life with gamified quizzes that are new every single time, even if the content is the same. Our real-time scanning AI technology watches along with the viewer and asks questions about what’s happening. So, when watching some content on the bus, scan along, play along, and — we think the best part — earn real rewards! Every successful question answered leads to virtual points, which can then be swapped for on-chain $FAST tokens that can be used natively anywhere throughout the Edge ecosystem and beyond in the wider cryptosphere.

It’s fun, it’s addictive — and it’s rewarding! And you can play along with any content that’s integrated with Edge — all the rewards feed to your Edge account. From that account, you can find, discover, and enjoy new content that’s part of the Edge Video ecosystem so, if the questions get a little hard on one piece of content, you can at least try your luck on another channel. To cater to this, there are Edge Network leaderboards for users to participate in, with $FAST prize pools for serial winners just to make the competition a little bit more spicy.

This integrated channel surfing quiz-hopping environment for real rewards makes the content on Edge Video-enabled streams that much more engaging, and that in turn benefits the streamers and broadcasters who have chosen to add the Edge QR code to their streams. As the network grows, more and more broadcasters will feel they are missing out on the additional engagement and revenue benefits that Edge Video offers, and pile in, making the $FAST token become increasingly more valuable, benefiting everyone who’s already joined in the fun.

Fast Enough for You?

And what to do with all those $FAST tokens after you’ve won them? Well, spend them! Our real-time scanning AI not only provides games but also scans the stream and uses our proprietary neuro-commerce engine to deliver recommendations based entirely on what’s happening on the screen. The AI scans, listens, and delivers bespoke product recommendations from Edge’s eCommerce affiliates. These recommendations alter dynamically based on content so that, on Edge network, you really do get what you see.

It’s about constantly evolving the media landscape. Three decades ago the idea of internet broadcast media would be a fairytale, now it’s the most common form of entertainment consumption in the world. Edge Video marks the start of the next three decades, where interactive media, user rewards powered by digital economies, and broad-basis fringe-sourced ownership models that foster innovation are the norm. Where every viewing is a chance to learn, earn and grow with a community of others. Where every stream is a watch party, and where every moment is a chance to shine.

Sounds fun? Well, it is. That’s what TV should be, and always has been. But before the spark is lost and the content on our screens fades ever more to static, Edge is here to make the moving pictures move again, with the rewarding $FAST crypto economy underpinning it making everyone content — in more ways than one.

