Shoppable TV: How Edge Video AI Surpasses ITV’s Approach

Edge Video AI


Shoppable TV has been a topic of industry speculation for over 15 years, yet it remained largely theoretical until recently. As ITV begins to explore its first shoppable TV concepts with The Take’s AI integrated into LG TVs, Edge Video AI is already setting the benchmark with its advanced solution.

ITV’s recent introduction of shoppable TV represents a significant step forward in the UK’s interactive television market — and it’s a big sign as it indicates that the TV Industry is actively looking for solutions to introduce Shoppable TV.

By leveraging AI technology and integrating it into LG TV sets, ITV offers viewers the ability to discover and shop items directly from their screens. However, this approach has several notable limitations.

However, Edge Video AI offer a superior alternative, addressing these limitations and at the same time providing a more seamless, engaging, rewarding, and universally accessible shoppable TV experience.

Here’s how:

1. User Interaction: Limited and Disruptive

ITV’s shoppable TV requires viewers to use their LG remote controls and opt-in for notifications. This model is restrictive, catering only to specific LG TV models from 2019 to 2021. Additionally, the need to pause content to interact with the shopping interface disrupts the viewing experience, pulling viewers out of their immersive journey.

In contrast, Edge Video AI eliminates these disruptions. By utilizing second screens and mobile phones for QR code scanning and real-time AI suggestions, Edge Video AI allows viewers to engage with products seamlessly, without interrupting their content.

2. Device Compatibility: Exclusivity Limits Reach

ITV’s integration into LG TV sets limits its reach to a fraction of potential users, excluding those with other brands or older LG models. A truly groundbreaking shoppable TV experience should be device-agnostic, accessible on all TVs and web-enabled devices.

Edge Video AI excels in this regard. Its platform supports all TV and web devices, ensuring universal compatibility and a broader reach, allowing more viewers to participate in the shoppable TV experience.

3. Integration: Clunky and Non-Universal

ITV’s system, built into the hardware of LG TVs, lacks the flexibility of more modern solutions. Platforms using HLS streams with QR code overlays provide a seamless and consistent shopping experience across various devices and platforms, ensuring all viewers enjoy the same level of interaction and convenience.

Edge Video AI leverages this advanced approach, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience regardless of the hardware.

4. Product Discovery: Limited and Passive

ITV uses AI to tag and notify viewers of products during programming, but this system is relatively passive, requiring viewers to take multiple steps to complete a purchase. A more advanced approach involves real-time AI suggestions that automatically generate and push relevant products to viewers based on live content.

Edge Video AI employs continuous, real-time interaction, keeping viewers engaged and reducing friction in the shopping process, making product discovery more dynamic and intuitive.

5. User Experience: Disruptive Pause-to-Play Model

ITV’s pause-to-click model interrupts content flow, requiring viewers to stop their show to explore products. This adds unnecessary steps to the purchasing process. Continuous shopping via real-time push notifications, on the other hand, allows viewers to engage with products without disrupting their viewing experience.

Edge Video AI’s continuous shopping model keeps viewers in the moment, providing a seamless and integrated shopping experience.

6. Monetization Model: Direct Purchases Limit Flexibility

ITV’s monetization strategy relies on direct purchases via the vendor’s site or phone link. This model can be limiting as it does not fully leverage the potential of modern eCommerce and digital rewards systems. Platforms integrating a revenue share model, combined with token economies and gamified engagement, create a more compelling and sustainable revenue stream.

Edge Video AI incorporates a token economy and gamified viewer engagement, providing a flexible and sustainable approach to monetization. This model encourages viewer interaction and loyalty through rewards and incentives.

7. User Engagement: Passive vs. Active Participation

ITV’s approach focuses on viewing and purchasing featured products, which can feel transactional and passive. Platforms incorporating gamified elements, such as leaderboards and rewards programs like $FAST, transform passive viewers into active participants.

Edge Video AI’s gamified elements increase engagement and encourage repeat interactions, creating a vibrant community around the content.

The Edge Video Advantage

Utilizing second screens and mobile phones for QR code scanning and real-time AI suggestions, Edge Video AI offers a more interactive and engaging experience. Their system supports all TV and web devices, ensuring universal compatibility and seamless integration across platforms.

Edge Video AI’s real-time product generation, coupled with continuous shopping via real-time push notifications, keeps viewers engaged without interrupting their viewing experience. With a comprehensive revenue model that includes a token economy and gamified viewer engagement, Edge Video AI provides a sustainable and flexible approach to monetization.

While ITV’s Shoppable TV is a step in the right direction, it has significant limitations. Platforms like Edge Video AI demonstrate that with the right technology and approach, it is possible to create a more seamless, engaging, and universally accessible shoppable TV experience.

By focusing on real-time interaction, universal compatibility, and a gamified engagement model, Edge Video AI redefines the future of interactive TV shopping, setting a new standard for the industry.

