Edgecoin piloting Smart Certificates with Lucerne University

Edgecoin builds partnership with the Swiss Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Edgecoin Blog
Edgecoin Blog
2 min readJul 4, 2018


Our mission at Edgecoin is to decentralize and thereby disrupt education. By offering blockchain as a service in the academic and educational sector we are aiming to put control back into the hands of users and educators. We are proud to announce today that we will be piloting Edgecoin Smart Certificates for a selected group of students from the renowned Lucerne University (Hochschule Luzern = HSLU).

HSLU - The university for professionals

HSLU is a university of applied sciences that is established in Central Switzerland. With 6,200 students attending bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes, almost 4,600 students attending continuing and executive education programmes, and 416 new projects in research and development, it is the largest educational institution in this region, the heart of Switzerland.

The pilot

The partners have agreed on integration of smart certificates for a selected group of HSLU Computer Science students. The pilot will help both sides to test different use cases of the Edgecoin Blockchain built educational solutions.

Edgecoin is a great project that is building smart solutions for all educators. As a Lecturer who is confronted with various problems of the outdated educational system and after seeing the Edgecoin product demo it was an obvious decision to trial those smart solutions.

Dr. Oliver Gilbert, Lecturer in Computer Science

We are very excited and proud to partner up with such a great academic institution such as HSLU and we hope that we can achieve proof of concept for the use cases that we are testing during the six months pilot phase.

Kambiz Djafari, CEO at Edgecoin

This is yet another crucial partnership that can help us to achieve our ambitious goals of smart education on blockchain.

Stay tuned for more information and progress updates. You can do this by following us on our various social media channels:

