Future education as happened in 2027 (3/5)

Edgecoin Blog
Edgecoin Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2017


This is part 3 of 5. Parts 4 and 5 will be released in the upcoming days. Here you find part 1 and part 2!

A forecast for the next decade and how the blockchain will change our daily lives with a closer look on Edge and education in general.

(Let’s have a look, how drastically education on the blockchain can change the world. This will have a light-hearted touch, so please do not take this as a forecast.)

In a world where all (personal) data becomes more and more valuable it is crucial to always control your own data. While this seems like an obvious statement, a lot of people today share their private data with big companies without hesitation. When it comes to school records, it is even more important to always hold control about your personal data, because you do not want everybody to see your grades and accomplishments. In 2027 this will be no longer a problem because Edgecoin has brought education on the blockchain.

In ten years from now you have complete power about your academic records and only you will decide who can see them and who cannot. The way to achieve this is quite simple. You will register an address on the Ethereum network which is, of course, free of charge. Now you hold the public and the private key like millions of people do already to trade ERC-20 tokens.

Now you will start going to school and provide the school your public key so they can send information there. Alternatively, the school creates a new contract on the Ethereum blockchain for every student. In both cases all your accomplishments, grades and other actions will be stored in the public key. With Edgecoin and our plan to disrupt education will have changed the original set-up for this purpose. From now on, your public key remains public, but the records on it will be private and will be hidden form everybody as a standard. Obviously, you change this be creating a password (not the private key) that allows other to access, but not alternate, your private data.

The solution is as simple as it is brilliant. When you apply for a job now, all you have to send is the public key and your password that you may change at any time. The employer will completely trust the data because history on the blockchain cannot be altered. There is no longer the need for a CV that you need to update every couple of months. Just send in a motivational letter with your public key and the password which will take no longer than a couple of minutes.

In 2027 this might already be outdated because Edgecoin does not stop there in hacking education. There will be no more need to send anything to anybody, as all employers and universities are on the blockchain as well as all students and employees. Simply browse platform such as LinkedIn, Xing, Monster and others and set up which companies or colleges can access your profile. All this data will of course be private as the blockchain as the underlying technology already is in 2017.

Stay tuned for Part 4 and get involved in our Pre-ICO that has just started!

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