Future of education: “Regional growth”

Alexander Weis
Edgecoin Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2019

This article is the second part of an analysis of the possible future of education. Links to all parts of the story are below.

2. Regional growth

In 2030, global economies have become more integrated on a regional basis. Significant demographic developments in the last decade have affected regions and countries differently. Advanced countries were confronted by an aging labor force and weakening economic performance. Developing nations will form most of the global employed population in 2030. So they have to provide education and working places for their fast-growing populations. For every group, regional collaboration provides an opportunity to support economic expansion, enhance effectiveness, and facilitate deficit or excess of human resources. It has become a crucial strategic active of this century while preserving the original national and cultural individuality.

Benefits of cooperation

In such a case, regional unions prevail over the competitive worldwide education network, backed by strategic state political and economic collaboration. Countries sign multilateral agreements to address specific regional problems, profit from scale economies, reinforce their competitiveness for talent, and preserve significant cultural factors. Backed by greater government collaboration in the area, education suppliers cooperate to agree upon legal frameworks, sign mutual recognition agreements, and establish local qualification structure.

Thanks to the “regional friendly” strategy and legal environments, national systems of education collaborate to harmonize all aspects of the training programs. Educational systems start sharing of the education program and training resources. Regional acceptance of teacher training, regional advanced training platforms, and teacher exchange programs appear. Such activities reduce the pressure of the unequal supply of skilled educators, mainly caused by the aging labor force in western developed countries. Also we can observe a massive growth in school-age children in emerging countries.

The increase of developing economies mainly in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East has led to significantly enhanced learning outcomes and higher mobility of students. To alleviate the effects of “staff attrition” to the west and make sure that their powering economies possess the necessary skills and intellectual assets to sustain growth. The governments have established regional unions to attract and withhold their future qualified personnel for that purpose. Strengthening of institutional capacity in these areas has increased the general quality of training, enhancing the interregional student flow, and attracting overseas students. This tendency has resulted in a decline in the rate of the “east to west” transition of students.

In such a case, expenditures ease on governments via the efficiencies resulting from harmonization of the processes and frameworks, regional “purchasing power” and better access to regional experience. Interregional research options reduce the expenditure on education.

Collaborative mixed delivery

The regional population notes that national states preserve their distinctive K-12 and higher education systems but obtain economic advantages from participating jointly in blended learning throughout the region. This scheme permits the countries to protect the signature elements of their education and learning systems by preserving the in classroom training delivery. Technology is applied to complement these significant direct interactions through mixed strategies. The aim of cooperating educational institutions is to attract regional professionals to provide content, with pupils from all over the world taking part in the live online classes.

Regional talent centers appear

n the conditions of minimal limitations on workforce mobility, conducive employment rights inside the regions and coordinated school systems, exchange of experience across the boundaries have become standard practice, lowering the regional workforce needs. Economies with acute shortage of qualified manpower in certain areas can attract talented people from regional counterparts, while those with an excess supply can deal with the jobless rate. Confidence in the capacity to attract workers from throughout the region results in inside the countries and local talent center start to appear agreed with industry power and research capacity.

If you miss some part or you like to reread other parts of this analysis, you can find all links below:

1sr part: Future of Education: “Education-as-Usual”

3rd part: Future of Education: “World giants”

4th part: Future of Education: “P2P economy”

5th part: Future of Education: “Robo Revolution”

Based on the information from holoniq.com.

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