Future of education: “Robo Revolution”

Alexander Weis
Edgecoin Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2019

This article is the fifth part of an analysis of the possible future of education. Links to all parts of the story are below.

5. Robo-Revolution

By 2030, the expansion and use of AI have yielded considerable economic advantages to the majority of the countries. As labor costs have reduced in developed countries, the significance of productivity in stimulating general growth is now essential. Economies with a lack of expertise and manpower have used AI technologies intensely into most industries. It helps to automatize everyday tasks and releasing human capital for extra value-adding activities. The arising efficiency gains from process automation, an AI- supplemented workforce, and enhanced consumption demand for AI-enhanced services and products has brought lots of money to the world economy.

AI applications in education have automated aspects of teaching and administration, and more complicated human activities are complemented by AI. Artificial intelligence is often managing the general outline of learning experiences and including human interference where necessary.

Process of teaching

By 2030, there is practically a full reversal in “who provides learning,” with virtual coaches, trainers and teachers. They frame the training options for persons, offer evaluation tasks, express an opinion, and provide individual tutoring or school attendance when necessary. Many adult students have this “ever present” teacher who prepares, controls, encourages, registers, and continuously revises training activities based on progress, inclinations, and learning objectives. Higher education establishments play an essential role as additional support to thousands of personalized training options by enabling practical experience, social relationships, and specialized knowledge upon request.

Glad to see you, teacher!

Digital Teaching Assistants (TA’s) are an element of the majority of K-12 classrooms all over the world. Experts in curriculum development, acquainted with all the children in their class, including studying progress, areas of difficulty and learning requirements, this voice-activated Digital Teaching Assistants actively engage in and often lead, training events. Supporting the educator with different administrative responsibilities, Digital TA’s have taken on the responsibility for keeping records. This includes, for example, enrolment, marks, individual student performance, and submitting proposals for training support activities. After mastering natural language processing, Digital Teaching Assistants work with pupils on their reading skills, adapting texts to ability degrees, delivering feedback and stimulation. Also they report real-time data to parents and educators about progress.

Curriculum upon request

Nowadays, educators and schools don’t waste their time on searching, filtering, and managing education content for their training program. The global information is digitized, marked, systematized, and on-demand. With several parameters established, like country, age bracket and thematic area, a variety of well-designed training programs are offered to choose from, including information content, mass media, training activities, and resources, evaluation, evaluation sheets, and study plans, all directly linked to the compulsory curriculum and student learning results.

New knowledge

Artificial intelligence is changing all spheres of life and promoting substantial changes to the character of work. The emergence of “no HITL” technologies has shifted the human labor force but also established a new set of tasks to create, maintain, and control such technologies. Professional preparation for the fast-changing needs of the 2030 employee is delivered upon request and through personalized training programs. A new generation of tech-orientated professional training suppliers has appeared to support the further development and introduction of AI. However, the importance of skills that can’t be reproduced by robots is also enhancing. Such skills are creative potential, management skills, and emotional intellect.

I hope you enjoyed reading these five scenarios of the possible future of education. Of course, we can not forecast all possibilities, but sometimes it’s interesting just to try. So we are still working hard on Edgecoin to be a part of your future.

If you miss some part or you like to reread other parts of this analysis, you can find all links below:

1sr part: Future of Education: “Education-as-Usual”

2nd part: Future of Education: “Regional growth”

3rd part: Future of Education: “World giants”

4th part: Future of Education: “P2P economy”

Based on the information from holoniq.com.

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