Future of education: “World giants”

Alexander Weis
Edgecoin Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2019

This article is the third part of an analysis of the possible future of education. Links to all parts of the story are below.

3. World giants

Globalization has bridged the gap between the countries by 2030 through the integration of world trade, technological innovations, capital investment, and human resources. International agreements and free-market strategy have eliminated obstacles to world trade, and a stable geopolitical situation contributes to the development of international competition and growth. Thanks to the new technologies, there is an extraordinary interconnection among population groups and the sharing of ideas and assets between different cultures. Political life has raised to the universal level as interstate organizations play a more active role in forming international legislation, trade and commerce, and safety.

Raise of the giants

The world free market conditions have facilitated the formation of large organizations with widespread brand acceptance and the scale to reach significant efficiency and industry strength. Smaller firms find it challenging to compete in these world market conditions. This tendency is reflected in the education industry with the significant strengthening of higher education suppliers. Also the appearance of international public and private education giants get a considerable market share and put additional pressure on local establishments.

Education without borders has grown up, stimulated by the requirements of a worldwide, mobile, and technology-enabled labor force and by institutions that need human resources with the necessary skills and qualifications as soon as possible.

Technology has a positive effect on the education system

Nowadays, tech giants are capturing value proposed by the $10 trillion international education market and particularly the developing markets of Africa, Asia and Latin America. These regions are highly dependent on smartphone web access and constitute the majority of the worldwide education market by many students. Through purchasing EdTech startups at all levels of the production chain, these tech giants now deliver a complete set of training services, such as analytical material, content, evaluation, liaison, and reporting. To enhance their positions, universal education, industrial and tech giants forge alliances for competing in the accredited higher education sphere and dominate vocational training. The border between learning and industrial organizations keeps blurring as the formation and transfer of information transform into the process of learning and obtaining knowledge.

New world elite

In the context of globalization, conventional universities become unable to compete for the provision of education as a route to the qualified occupation. We can observe a strengthening of some universities, while others develop local segment offerings, and still, others get back to their study origins. At the same time, several advanced universities successfully move forward from “exclusive elite” to “inclusive elite”. They utilize their available brand awareness to sustain growth using increasing their quality and creating a network of global graduates. They further continue to strengthen the brand and support physical presence in the majority of countries.

Data-based K-12 study

In spite of the failures happening in the higher education and professional skills sector, K-12 education systems, backed by the active public policies, are still aimed mainly aimed at fulfilling national priorities. In 2030, training processes in schools are substantially improved by technology and allow for the personalization of studying. This data-rich sphere makes it possible to collect information from most training activities. Real-time analysis and accounting to educators and parents offer an opportunity for early support and intervention, while accumulated data feeds back to the technology supplier. It’s made to improve the design of products, and educational systems for controlling and reporting. The sophisticated technology ecosystems offered by technological giants provide substantial advantages to universities and the pledge of improved results for students.

Innovations in the field of regulation

Consolidation has reduced pressure on regulatory authorities, which currently deal with a less shattered educational market. Arrangements with technological giants provide a large amount of data on the universities, scholarly activity, examination, educators, and pupils to submit straight to the regulatory body, which has turned into a data-based responsible person. No longer hindered by the historical data lag, regulatory bodies can use an extensive review of data to make policy and support innovation actively. Authorities form their own global unions for better understanding of the consequences of global suppliers and mainly cooperate on information protection issues.

If you miss some part or you like to reread other parts of this analysis, you can find all links below:

1sr part: Future of Education: “Education-as-Usual”

2nd part: Future of Education: “Regional growth”

4th part: Future of Education: “P2P economy”

5th part: Future of Education: “Robo Revolution”

Based on the information from holoniq.com.

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