Modern technological opportunities for higher educational institutions

Alexander Weis
Edgecoin Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2019

Investments in modern technologies such as the virtual world and artificial intelligence can have a significant impact on university education this year.

Progress in available instruments like AI and edge computing will be the main focuses for this year, according to the group of IT analysts.

Since the universities fight for promising students and want to boost the offers for those on campus, electronic trends could give the higher educational institutions the edge they require

AI will improve the data-driven initiatives

According to analysts, machine learning will play an important role this year. It can be providing support for tasks that may take more time, power and experience than educators and administrators can offer.

  • Autonomous machines: Gartner believes that independent programmes will be more widespread this year since the technological advancements are already available on sale. Some establishments, such as Boston University, are already offering highly technical facilities for the students who want to experiment with AI-enabled machines. Other institutions consider the idea of combining AI with video materials to provide an individual approach to training.
  • Advanced analytics: Professors and managers count on data mining to get a sense of the efficiency of a CV, particularly as individualized educational programs become more commonly accepted. Information gathering and analysis has resulted in innovations in the form of student evaluations. It is allowing the teachers to determine where students are experiencing problems and adjusting the course paper to complement those fields. Advanced analytics will make it possible to unload the users who may not be experienced in data mining. Or smaller IT groups who could be more useful in spending their time on working with AI.

Higher educational establishments are in search of a safe, minimal-maintenance way to control and share students’ educational data. Blockchain technology is still far from mainstream. However, several pioneers have started using it to deliver digital certificates that testify students’ educational background.

Blockchain simplifies records management

Even though most educational apps have concentrated on certification, blockchain could assist in verifying teaching staff or tracking material assistance. Moreover, they could allow students to capture the various set of educational experiences beyond the university diploma. For instance, as more educational establishments store information on blockchain systems, graduates could form a solid record of all educational backgrounds.

Available data control becomes more comfortable

Blockchain can’t address all data management problems. However, as establishments find out more about the functioning of the systems, their structure may be attractive for specific applications.

The main advantage of blockchain is that seems trustworthy. It changes our opinion about all policies and procedures. Users start to note the restrictions that have been created because of how the architecture was. Blockchain writes the new story of data management.

Enhancements in mesh mean focusing on how users interact with technologies

Colleges are quickly replacing outdated equipment with their modern versions. Earlier, cork message boards were an integral part of student campuses; but now, electronic signage is more common. As this transformation proceeds, colleges will have to be careful when designing their educational environments.

  • Smart Spaces: Education workers are exploring connected educational audiences and contemporary studying environments as the latest advances in training. So the Gartner’s analysts believe that such spaces will be the main focus for this year. In combination with other new technologies like empowered edge and artificial intelligence, the future of the connected schoolrooms is ensured.
  • Digital confidentiality: The technology on Gartner’s list can expand how we include technology into our daily life. It means appropriate digital citizenship will be vital. For instance, digital twins can improve the educational process; however, such instruments also require giving up essential data and confidentiality to the digital world. This means higher educational establishments will have to improve CV and resources dealing with actual technology use and web presence.

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