Data Geo-Transparency with EdgeFS on Mac for Developers

Dmitry Yusupov
Published in
9 min readJul 30, 2019


In many cases, developer productivity really depends on how fast and efficiently an application can get access to the pre-production data set. What if a dataset is in TBs and in Millions of records? What if data changing fluidly? And what if network got disconnected, you on the plane or just need to work offline?

Discover EdgeFS data layer Geo-Transparency!

What is EdgeFS? This is a new storage provider addition to CNCF Rook project and you can read more about it at While it is a scale-out storage cluster, it can still operate in a so-called “solo” mode, a single-node Docker container with an ability to scale out your deployment as it grew by simply connecting more nodes and/or geographically distributed cluster segments to it.

EdgeFS stronghold is its ability to virtualize underlying infrastructure as a scalable, highly-available and geographically distributed storage system. It works similarly to “git” where all modifications are globally immutable, fully versioned, self-validated, distributed and therefore fault-tolerant. As a result, it enables cross-cloud and geographically transparent high-performance distributed access to commonly used storage protocols for Object, File, Block, and NoSQL databases.

