Kubernetes Rook EdgeFS 1.1 Released

Enable Edge/IoT and Edge-Native decentralized computing use cases with new Kubernetes Rook EdgeFS stable release.

Dmitry Yusupov


Through my career, I’ve been a member of many collaboration groups and open source communities and I have to admit, Rook community is the most open, fast-evolving, inclusive and effective one!

Rook community is “inclusive”. It is no longer just about Ceph. The other Kubernetes Rook operators are thriving and communities are growing rapidly!

Thanks to inclusivity, Rook EdgeFS community grew 230% in the past 6 months, with close to 1M of docker pulls of EdgeFS image!

Rook EdgeFS CRDs graduated to V1

This is a significant milestone after almost one year of development. We went from early users who were enthusiastically using Alpha1v1 to larger users with Petabyte scale deployments who are now will be upgrading from Beta1v1. Upgrade path from Beta1v1 is provided.

With the introduction of stable CRD V1 API, Rook EdgeFS operator now stabilized and any on-going changes will include business logic to ensure smooth upgrade path.

Multi-Homed networking

