Ethereum Development Series— Part 0

Andy Watt
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2017

Hello readers, and welcome to the introductory post for what I hope will become a useful series of blog posts on all things related to development for the Ethereum platform.

A bit about me… I’ve been working with .NET since 2005, getting through more or less all of it at one time or another. Until recently, I thought that I had a long career in applications development ahead of me, until Colin introduced me to Ethereum, and things got a bit more …interesting!

We co-founded EdgeFund earlier this year, and set about taking the deepest dive possible into Ethereum, Solidity, and all things blockchain.

Coming into this chaotic and fast paced environment after many years in .NET has been interesting to say the very least. Going from working almost exclusively in Visual Studio, to a Solidity environment has been both incredibly fascinating and unbelievably frustrating in roughly equal measure!

This series of blog posts that I have planned will detail my path from a .NET developer to Solidity / blockchain developer. I’ll be starting with a few ‘building block’ posts, that describe how I got myself set up and started with Solidity development in a Windows environment. Some of the basics that I want to cover might include:

  • Setting up a professional Solidity environment in Windows.
  • Installing and using truffle.
  • Installing geth, and syncing the Ropsten Chain.
  • Hello Web3 World.
  • etc

Once I’ve covered the basics, I’m planning a series of more involved posts and in depth tutorials putting the pieces together into useful examples and real world use cases.

The EdgeFund mentality is that Ethereum development is a super niche and fast moving space. We feel that we should be fostering discussion as much as possible, and passing on anything that we learn to the community. As well as tutorial blog posts on Solidity development, we will be writing about what we are working on, seeking comment and discussion along the way. We hope that we have a few innovative ideas to talk about!

The first few ‘building block’ posts will follow shortly, so please check back here, or follow myself, and / or EdgeFund to get regular updates.




Andy Watt

Technical Lead and co-founder at Avalone Consultants. Angular, .NET, and blockchain developer.