12 Ways Augmented Reality Can Benefit Police Officers for Public Safety

Edgybees Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2018

There is no escaping the fact that we live in a rapidly changing society driven by higher and higher levels of technological advancement. Now more than ever, AR technology is benefiting police officers in ways previously unimaginable to combat crime and terrorism.

It’s not just a matter of pressing a single button for the magic to happen. In order for AR technology to be used effectively, it is up to police personnel to fully understand current AR capabilities, and ways it can be implemented into their work.

Here are 12 ways police officers can benefit from overlays of virtual images onto their real-world field of vision to enhance their ability to accomplish a wide variety of tasks and assignments.

  1. Real time intelligence about crimes and criminals in the patrol area
  2. Facial, voice-print and other biometric recognition data of known criminals to allow instantaneous identification
  3. Real time language translation along with data on cultural customs and traditions
  4. Integration of chemical, biological and explosive sensors to notify officers of local contamination and recommend appropriate protective measures for the public
  5. Scalable three dimensional maps, complete with building floor plans, sewer system schematics, public utility information, and public transportation routes
  6. Patrol car operator data and regional traffic management information for efficient driving in pursuit and rapid response situations
  7. Improved situational awareness during dynamic and dangerous incidents, and enhanced cohesiveness between team members and better coordination with command personnel to make SWAT operations safer and more effective
  8. Advanced optics to provide zoom, thermal, and infrared imaging for the location and apprehension of fleeing criminals, buried or concealed disaster survivors, or missing persons
  9. Automatic sensor readings that calculate distance and height and directly create digital and AR maps for presentation in court
  10. The coordinated use of robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, and police officers managed through an AR network to enhance surveillance activities
  11. Real-time monitoring of patrol activities with display of location, activity, and status information projected on three dimensional map of the community
  12. Supervision of critical incident response to include the monitoring of the physiological status of all personnel, permitting the assignment of dangerous tasks to those who are mentally and physically best able to perform

Curious to learn more about collaborative visual intelligence technology? Check out our website and feel free to shoot over an email: info@edgybees.com



Edgybees Blog

We developed the world’s first dedicated AR technology for high speed moving platforms, providing highly contextual visual presence of non-tangible intelligence