Networking for Beginners

Edifi blog
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2020

Networking is an interesting thing… it is incredibly valuable and while it might come easily for some, it is extremely difficult for others. I labeled it “interesting” because I am someone that does not get overly-excited about networking.

It might not be obvious why it is important. If you would like to know why I googled it for you and this article caught my attention. Trust me, there are a gazillion opinions on why it is important. The most important thing to take away from it is that it will benefit YOU!

As I mentioned above, I don’t find networking to be easy. I have thought a lot about why that is the case and even spoken to others on it. My conclusion is not incredibly enlightening — there are a lot of reasons! Below are some of mine and some of the individuals that I spoke with.

  • I find it difficult/awkward to strike up a conversation with someone I do not know
  • I do not know how to start the conversation
  • It makes me nervous
  • I am afraid that I will get rejected
  • I do not have the time
  • I might make a fool out of myself
  • I don’t see why networking is important

Surely some of those resonate with you… and if they don’t you probably don’t even need to keep reading this article 😅.

Although it hasn’t been easy, I have pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone and network. Some incredible things have happened because of those decisions. With that being said, I had to overcome some of the feelings I listed above. For those who are experiencing the same thing — This is my short beginner’s guide to start networking.

  • Start by talking to people you know well (family friends, work colleagues, school friends, etc)
  • Talk about them, not you (learn about their likes/dislikes, careers, etc)
  • Ask them to introduce you to people they know (make sure those people fit the criteria for someone you want to network with)
  • And, after each conversation you have, follow-up with a thank you!

Now, it might not seem like much but these 4 things have made an incredible impact on my life! Yes, it takes courage to make that first step but that is the case for many things in life. Here are two examples of how my life has been impacted by networking.

  1. While in college I attended many events with high profile speakers. Some of the speakers were CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, others were famous athletes, and a few were local businessmen. There are two interesting experiences from those events that I want to share. First, I was bold enough to ask a Fortune 500 CEO for his business card. He gave me an interesting look, pulled out his wallet, and had 1 (yes, his last) business card left. He gave it to me, told me it was my lucky day, and said that I could reach out to him at any time. A free line to the CEO just because I asked the question. Second, I followed up with a local businessman after his presentation thanking him for his advice and to complete a challenge he gave to those in the audience. That was 4 years ago and we still keep in touch regularly. Various opportunities have come my way through this relationship.
  2. I was hired as the first inside sales representative at a technology company after asking the CEO of said company to lunch. It took 3 months to get it on the calendar and it only lasted 45 minutes. He shared some great experiences and advice that helped me select my area of study while attending college. To my surprise, it also turned into a few interviews, a job offer, and an incredible 4-year ride with numerous roles at the company and countless learning experiences. The company is now over 500 people strong and was recently acquired by one of the largest finance companies in the world for $1 Billion.

A paragraph does not do either of those experiences and the benefit to my personal and work life justice…

Networking can be difficult, scary, and many other things. It can also be quite simple! If you decide to take the first step, your momentum will carry you forward and great things will happen. Doors will open, new opportunities will come, you will make new friendships and best of all, you will grow as an individual. Networking is important and as you meet with others you will learn a lot about yourself in the process.



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