Managing a Social Media community

EDIT Social
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

In the era of Social Networks, the main activity necessary to promote a brand and create a successful digital identity is to have a strong presence on Social Media.

Learning to manage your Social Media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc, will allow companies to get in touch with more potential customers and to know what they think and their attitude towards them.

Community management, when improved in a correct and professional way, can be a much faster and direct way to connect brands with their target.

Why answering comments is so relevant?

Interacting with an audience through social comments is a real way to make a connection with the right target. By providing great customer service through social comments, it is possible not only to retain existing customers but also win new ones!

Nevertheless unanswered comments, especially the bad ones, will give a business a bad reputation and damage its brand image. The advice is always to reply politely and proactively, giving information when asked or suggest solutions when needed.


But now let’s look at some practice tips that can help brands building a successful customer service while replying to social media comments.

  • Show professionalism: maintaining coherence between answers and brand’s culture and tone of voice
  • Build a connection with users: calling them by name
  • Answer quickly: replying within couple of hours at most
  • Answer them all: replying every single comment

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EDIT Social

EDIT is a suite to handle social media (communication) projects with confidence and ease. Currently in beta version.