Social Media Managing: time to EDIT professionals workflow!

EDIT Social
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2018

The world of Social Media Marketing changes day by day. The same goes for the tools developed to support experts while operating on Social Networks.

In the following article we’ll talk about these topics.

  • Our scenario
  • The typical workflow in Social Media Managing
  • What is EDIT?
  • Conclusions

Our scenario

Starting from an overall perspective, the Italian workforce scenario (EDIT is in fact an Italian company) is characterized by one of the largest percentage of freelancers, according to statistics*, in Europe and in the world. According to Eurostat figures for 2015, Italy has 3.6 million self-employed workers, the highest value in the Eurozone, against Germany’s 2.2 million and France’s 2 million — second and third place respectively.

About 10.000 communication agencies co-exist in the Italian market, characterized by 31 million active social media users just in 2017.

Hence developing a new tool, dedicated to professionists involved in digital marketing and in Social Networks seems reasonable and relevant.

(*)Source: Sole 24 ore / Istat / We are Social

The typical workflow in Social Media Managing

But who are these professionists? Who else if not Social Media Managers?! A SMM monitors, contributes, filters, measures and guides the Social Media presence of a brand, product, corporation or individual.

It seems a lot of work! People who are not involved in the digital marketing world don’t exactly know how the typical SMM workflow is structured. Well….it is a real mess! It is made up of a lot of steps, email exchanges with clients (not always available or willing to collaborate) and a lot of obstacles increasing the risk of making mistakes. These mistakes can sometimes be huge! Imagine setting a client’s budget for an advertising campaign on Facebook and entering one extra zero without realizing it. Just a little oversight and an advertising set of 1.000€ becomes 10.000€ in a misclick of a button. Just hope your customer or your boss are very sympathetic!

This is just one example of why Social Media Management can be a very stressful job: many variables to pay attention to, a lot of time wasted double-checking for mistakes and the responsibility of handling somebody else’s money.

What is EDIT?

It’s finally time for introductions! We are EDIT, an Italian Startup from Bologna.

Our mission is to solve issues that make the SMM profession stressful and insidious, we strongly believe in the value of time and in a self-confident and fluid way of working.

EDIT aspires to create a focused work experience where professionists deliver results with confidence and ease.

Thanks to Nana Bianca and its acceleration program called “Hubble” we are building what we think will be the only platform Social Media Managers will use to handle their social media (communication) projects.


Professionists involved in Social Media deserve a user-focused, easy-to-use platform that can simplify their job, making them feel comfortable and saving their (precious) time.

How can we increase their productivity? By making them capable of handling more clients/projects therefore making their jobs more sustainable.



EDIT Social

EDIT is a suite to handle social media (communication) projects with confidence and ease. Currently in beta version.