When cross-posting can save a Social Media Manager’s life (and when absolutely it doesn’t).

EDIT Social
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2018

When cross-posting can save a Social Media Manager’s life (and when absolutely it doesn’t)

To cross-post or not to cross-post? This is the question.

In EDIT we strongly believe that content curation is one of the most important keys that allows a brand to consolidate its reputation (and a SMM to be gratified by his/her job). But we are also aware that sharing the right content, perfectly suited for every channel a brand communicates through, is not always that easy.

This article will be focused on the following topics:

  • What is crossposting?
  • The pros and the cons of this practice

What is crossposting?

Crossposting is the act of posting the same message on multiple channels.

In the Social Media world it means to submit an identical content onto different Social Networks or Social Media platforms in general.

This activity can be facilitated thanks to scheduling tools, that allow simultaneous publications with just one click.

The pros and the cons of this practice

The advantage of crossposting for a brand lies in the fact that it can stay active on its Social accounts often and frequently, continually keeping in touch with its community.

And don’t forget that a massive exposure of contents often means more (new) users reached.

For a Social Media Manager it means a lot of time saved.

But of course there is another side of the coin.

A post can be really engaging and powerful for a certain social network but not for another! Every platform has different mindsets, audiences, tones, right-for-publication times and more.

Users can also feel uncomfortable noticing a brand sharing the same message on every account they follow; they can soon decide not to engage with what seems to be an automated publication.


Our suggestion for Social Media Managers is to study, in a very detailed way, a creative content strategy, tailor-made and dedicated for every single channel they have to handle.

Sometimes sharing the same post on different Social accounts can be a winning idea (i.e. when you can identify a coherent target audience on two different channels for that publication) But never cross-post just because it seems easier and quicker!

And if you don’t have time or are having issues with your time estimation and management, try EDIT and find out how many hours you can save!

EDIT is a social media (communication) tool that helps you handle your projects with confidence and ease. Currently in beta version.

Find out more on: www.edit.social/news



EDIT Social

EDIT is a suite to handle social media (communication) projects with confidence and ease. Currently in beta version.