Artist Interview #2: Follow Your Inner Rabbit with Lapin Mignon

Fanny Lakoubay
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2019

In our new series of interviews with some of the popular artists on Editional (see artist interview #1 with artist Yrdgz), this week’s edition highlights the illustrator named Lapin Mignon.

Let me first explain that “lapin mignon” means “cute rabbit” in French, not to be mistaken for the popular French cartoon and game character, Lapin Cretin (Raving Rabbid)! Make sure to remember the meaning of this artist name as it is important in the story. It all started with a little rabbit named Minus.

What can you tell us about yourself?

Lapin Mignon is my artist name. I am French and live in the Midlands of Tolkien, in the United Kingdom. Like my artworks, Lapin Mignon is a childish, cheeky name that reflects what drives me when I express myself: my inner child.

Where does your inspiration come from?

I want to recreate in every way possible when simple was magnificence and when weird was beauty: Childhood — This is a mindset for me. There’s a lot of Alice in Wonderland in Lapin Mignon.

Childhood — This is a mindset for me.

I can share with you one story that tells a lot about who I am — when I was a kid in my little village school in Normandy, I was constantly daydreaming and creating little stuff with whatever I could find — flower, stones, a piece of wool, blue tack, a little piece of paper… I was constantly creating little creatures from anything… So I spent much of my day hunting for treasures to fuel my imagination. And one day, I realized that my teacher left in the bin a lot of materials like paper, ink and old-fashioned paper pen, books — he was getting retired and was sorting his desk. Everyday, my treasure hunt became more and more interesting — and I kept on creating, drawing and letting my imagination go.

Many years later, in my twenties, my old teacher confessed — he did it on purpose as he knew and cherished my creativity. His great pleasure was at the end of the day, to have a look in my desks what were my latest invention — I even recreated a full Canal locks with working mechanisms. This did certainly map the artist I am today. And my Art Teacher used to say, that her favorite piece of work I was doing, was the doodling in a corner of a notebook — it simply is who I am.

Today, I am writing and illustrating kids stories and experiencing a lot of way to create a door to my little kingdom.

How did you start digital art?

Digital Art is really a new addition to my palette and I am massively learning everyday — I am so grateful for this. When a friend of mine invited me to try Editional, I started to play around with the software, and I was quickly mesmerized by it and the great results of transforming some of my original soft watercolors into vibrant rainbow-colored artwork s — I just cannot get bored of it. And I love the idea that I am becoming a crypto artist.

Can you explain the creation process of one of your pieces on Editional?

Fairy Slug by Lapin Mignon

Fairy Slug — this work starts with some watercolor — I love the watercolor lightness and smoothness. Then I draw some random patterns, it always end up in weird creature. And then, I digitized it, and played with the picture on Editional. I realized with previous works like “Aquabizarre”, that applying a negative filter on a watercolor makes the color pops like neons and transforms it into a magical northern light.

What is your favorite piece on Editional?

Editional is a great way to showcase my work and to discover new artists — I am impressed by a lot of them- Mightymoose, jbrukh, Mera, Mar.e, Mr.Monk and PetiteChoco to name a few, I love interacting with all of them.

D**G#digital#art by Osavage

One I artist I love on the Editional App, is Osavage with D**G#digital#art — I love the color and blurry effect — it looks like happiness to me. He really masters digital art, he is leading the way — that’s how I feel it.

And in a totally different way, I love the artwork by Blueaquilae, especially Abeille Charpentiere — this is like a cuddle to our soft and gentle nature. The rending is amazing and it so different to what we can see elsewhere.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start creating digital art?

Come as you are and show up your style — don’t try to copy what you see, there’s so much more you can bring. And to start with Editional App was a blessing for LapinMignon!

Come an join me, and follow the rabbit :-)

Follow Lapin Mignon:

