Artist Interview #6: Pointshark’s Neo-Pop Art

Fanny Lakoubay
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2019

For this week’s artist interview, we sat down with Pointshark, who is a fascinating artist who mixes outdoor subjects with pop art inspiration and freehand editing into a new and very personal style.

So many talented artists, so little time to talk to all of them… Spend the weekend catching up with our artist interview series.

Artist pointshark

What is your story in real life?

Iʼm an outdoor person. I love surfing, snowboarding, hiking/ trail running, and martial arts. I watch most sports when I can and live music of any type.

What is your digital artist story?

Itʼs rather short. Iʼm an outdoors person, taking pictures of everything I see. Nature and natural patterns are just really cool. A personal thought or motto of mine is “put your eyes where others arenʼt”, meaning go deeper into the wilderness, get into the barrel, compete man vs man. From there I am able to take ideas, feelings, and pictures and put them into a form that the average joe can experience without ever being there. Digital art does just that for me, itʼs takes the “deep” places I go, and allows a digital perspective on the things that only my eyes see.

“Digital art does just that for me, itʼs takes the ‘deep’ places I go, and allows a digital perspective on the things that only my eyes see. “

When did you start creating digital art?

To be honest, very recently. A friend from the dapp world turned me on to Editional. We needed a flyer tokenized, Editional was chosen, and the rest is history.

Can you explain the creation process of one of your pieces?

It starts with a blank piece of paper (space). I choose a background color first, off of instinct and whatever Iʼm feeling. In the case of markup art[12], I did the light blue first. Then I drew the black border. Using combinations of spikes as polygons, I placed them so they would appear as one continuous object. The center pink spike pattern is last. I move these spikes to fill out the gaps, and color borders as evenly as possible. Since this is freehand for the most part, the movement is very tedious and takes the longest. Object placement is key for layering and overlaps.

Markup art[12] by Pointshark —

What is your favorite piece in your Editional collection?

This is a hard one, but Iʼm gonna go with Red dwarf number 5 by Philotimos. I mentioned that I am into martial arts, and this piece has a rising sun feel to it. Great crossover piece for me and what Iʼm into.

Red dwarf number 5 by Philotimos —

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start creating digital art?

Whatever you feel, see, or like, go with it. You could end up with a pretty amazing experience.

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