Why Alternative Medicine Is Alternative

Brian Orme
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2013

“On the emotional side of the chart, the electric energy shows that you have a lot of fear,” the doctor said. It was the first time I’ve ever been diagnosed with a negative emotion. I’m used to hearing “high cholesterol” and “it’s just a virus,” but never fear.

Recently I’ve had a few physical health issues, nothing major, but they’re unique enough that traditional doctors haven’t been able to help. In fact, they’ve actually made it worse. So, at the prompting of my wife I visited a homeopathic doctor in a city about an hour away.

I’m usually a pretty traditional guy when it comes to medicine. Not out of some deep conviction, but out of the desire to stem my pain quickly and accurately. So I guess you could say I’m focused on practicality as far as medicine is concerned. Also, I don’t typically lean toward alternative medicine. In fact, for most of my life I’ve come from the respective thought that to believe in alternative medicine you also have to believe in unicorns, or at least it helps.

However, my wife comes from a very different view. She has a strong penchant for natural healing and homeopathic remedies. She carries this perspective with a strong conviction for health and wellbeing. Did I say she’s a much better person than I am? I should say that.

So, you can imagine my surprise when the doctor spoke of electro energy like a carpenter would a tangible piece of lumber. She said things like, “I measure energy, I see energy all around,” and … “Let me speak to your muscles.” Whaa—OK.

At the end of the visit—after I had been thoroughly prodded by an electric pen that measures said energy—I was diagnose with toxic fat tissue, low kidney energy and, of course, fear. And, now that I think about it, maybe I do have some repressed fear, but I digress.

I guess that’s what makes alternative medicine alternative. Instead of getting a diagnosis of high blood pressure and a prescription of beta blockers, you get diagnosed with candida and fear with a prescription of vitamins and quizzical looks—“what are you afraid of?”

I’m not passing judgment, but it’s good to know what you’re in for. Going from a traditional doctor to a homeopathic one is like going from a TED talk to a David Copperfield performance. Both can be fun and helpful but the experiences, well, they’re just made up of different kinds of magic. One is focused on the logical and analytical make up of the body and the other on energy, emotion and natural connections.

To me, it’s proof that we’ve both come a long, long way in understanding the human body and we have so far to go at the same time.

We’re still just tinkering at best. After all, medicine is more of an art than a science.

