6 Ideas for Using Technology in the Classroom

Try these beginning tips for integrating technology into the overall learning experience.

Edmodo Guest Writer
3 min readApr 23, 2018

by Joel Lee

When you’re looking for new ways to reach your students, technology can be the answer. Students are able to engage more with the content, and learning becomes more interesting for everyone involved. You can increase student participation with mobile devices, which gets your students more excited about learning. If you’re trying to improve the ways your students learn in the classroom, try these tips for integrating technology into the overall learning experience.

Use Video Streaming

Videos can play an important role in your classroom. When you want to enhance your message, finding a video clip that strengthens your lesson has never been easier. Sites like YouTube, Khan Academy, and TED-Ed provide hours of videos on any topic you can imagine. With some quick research, you’ll find an appropriate video to stream as part of your lesson.

Encourage Students to Play Educational Games

Most kids love playing games on computers, tablets or iPads. If your classroom uses mobile devices, there are many educational games for you to choose from to enhance the learning process. Students will be able to play and learn at the same time. Progress can be recorded and students will know when they have moved on to a higher level.

Try Social Learning as a Classroom Tool

When you teach older students who are already using social media constantly, you can use that familiarity to encourage discussion on Edmodo. Set up a group discussion for your class on Edmodo or use it as a tool for students to share ideas or support with one another.

Set Up a Blog for Your Students

Blogging is an excellent way to share your ideas on the internet. You can set up a classroom blog that you use to showcase the work of your students on Tumblr or Medium. When you want your students to produce high-quality work, just the idea of having the work published online may be motivation enough. Students will be able to add comments and provide input if the post is a work in progress.

Create Podcasts from Class Activities

Podcasts can be used in a variety of ways to enhance learning in your classroom. You can create podcasts and post them in Edmodo groups for students to review while studying. Students who missed class will get the necessary information from the podcast. Students who are interested in creating podcasts can record their interpretation of the content being studied as a way to further understand the lesson.

Technology can make learning come to life. Look for new ways to enhance lessons with video clips or engage your students in discussions on Edmodo. Encourage collaboration through blogs or podcasts. Technology can enrich and improve the ways your students learn.

To learn more about how students can use technology, including mobile phones, as learning activities in the classroom, click here!

Joel Lee is the SEO marketing specialist at Trumpia, which earned a reputation as the most complete SMS solution including user-friendly user interface and API for mobile engagement, Smart Targeting, advanced automation, enterprise, and cross-channel features for both mass texting and landline texting use cases.



Edmodo Guest Writer

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