eDreams ODIGEO online learning journey

Jekaterina Kockina
eDreams ODIGEO
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2020

Our company has a lot of specific expertise that can’t be found off-the-shelf elsewhere, so we needed to find a way for our learners to have it available to them in a creative and engaging format. When we thought about the customised design, the idea of exploring authoring tools came in. Apart from investing in a few tools, we also appointed one Online Learning Designer in the team to take full ownership of the design, creation and rollout of the online learning (yay, that’s me!).

The online learning that we create in-house is mostly based on unique eDreams ODIGEO knowledge and expertise and is highly customised to the reality of our teams.This way whatever we create is so relevant to our team members’ day-to-day and applicable to their work, that it makes it easier to engage them in the learning process.

Another reason for the in-house creation was that our organisation is very fast-paced, things change constantly and quickly, so we really have to own the material and be able to update and adapt content when necessary.

At the moment, we produce content that is 100% customised for our team members, which we combine with only a few external resources for a best-in-class learning experience. In the past 2 years we have created more than 20 in-house online courses and counting!

Why is this model working so well?

  • We are very close to our large audience of users, our learners, which means that we test, get continuous feedback, and we are able to be agile when designing, creating and updating our learning content
  • We are super close to our SMEs, they are our easily reachable colleagues
  • We involve both SMEs in the content creation process and learners in the user validation process
  • We work on the communication strategy to market our learning offer to the different audiences
  • We blend online learning with face-to-face workshops

What do we create?

  • We create courses to help new joiners learn about our business
  • We use microlearning to get messages across quickly
  • We launch a “Skill of the month” campaign to highlight the specific skills we recommend to focus on during that specific month

Pro tips from us

  • We use humour, company inside jokes, — get stories from your colleagues to use in your scenarios and scripts so they resonate with them!
  • We invite the learners to do the voiceovers for our courses
  • We create short, concise, relevant videos and animations to get people interested in the topics

We recently had to transition to 100% remote working and thanks to our learning model, we already had a lot of online content immediately available to our employees so the learning never stopped, even for a minute. This allowed us to focus on adapting the other face-to-face training that we offer to a virtual format.

Looking back, we have come a long way and achieved a lot of milestones for eDreams ODIGEO in a short period of time:

  • We launched the Learning Management System for all team members to manage our great face-to-face training offer
  • We identified that our team members needed more on-demand, learn-anytime-anywhere opportunities to work on their technical and business skills
  • We introduced an online learning platform that gave us access to over 40.000 learning resources. This included books, articles, videos, learning paths, interactive environments and webinars. This gave our learners choice and flexibility in terms of what to learn, when and in what format
  • And finally, as already explained to you at the beginning, our most recent milestone was highly customised online learning opportunities for our team.

Was great to see our Learning & Development team grow and develop in only a few years time!

