Former mobile guru seeking future bot guru

Geir Sand Nilsen
EdTech Foundry
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2016

In my previous life, I was a selfclaimed mobile guru. It worked pretty good, I made some money and was recognized for my app knowledge. But it didn’t change the world, so I decided to commit suicide.

Now there is a new kid in town. This time with the potential of making the world a better place. Bots. Pedagogical chatbots.

In my new company, EdTech Foundry, we have a master plan to fix higher education and create a functional educational system. We want to reward students for creativity, collaboration and sharing instead of reproduction of knowledge.

Finally I’m doing something that motivates me to get out of bed every morning. This time around, there is no need for a mobile guru, but we need a future bot guru with a passion for fixing higher education.

The chatbot market is just in its infancy and there are few experts out there. In other words, its relative easy to become an expert if you have the basic skills, motivation, a good team around you and working with real challenges.

So here’s the deal…we bring the team and the challenges if you bring motivation and your A-level koding skillz (For real! A-level coder). It would help if you have experience from chatbots, back-end services and integration with third-party providers…but not a must. That stuff can be learned. Motivation and coding skills is far more important.

The chatbot goldrush is just about to start. Its just the same situation as when the app goldrush started a few years back. But this time I want to spend far less time on self-branding and rather put all efforts into geeking out, fixing real problems and help you become the bot guru.

oh…in case I forgot to say. This is a job ad, not just another blog post about myself.



Geir Sand Nilsen
EdTech Foundry

Aloha 👋. I’m Geir. I help startups and academia get soft funding for their operation and RnD-projects. Who are you?