VR and AR in context of Information Literacy and Library Anxiety

Juraj Ulbrich
2 min readApr 8, 2022


Information literacy is a crucial aspect of today’s world since there is unimaginable amount of information all around us. It is important to know what information we want and have at least an idea of how to get it. In the regard of obtaining information the second best option for us is a library with its vast information resources.

But there has been observed a phenomenon of library anxiety where people tend to avoid libraries because they do not know how to orient themselves inside the premises. The library anxiety is described as the feeling of being overwhelmed, intimidated, nervous, uncertain, or confused when using or contemplating use of the library and its resources to satisfy an information need. It is a state-based anxiety that can result in misconceptions or misapplications of library resources, procrastination, and avoidance of library tasks.[1] This has been especially prevalent in students from online learning courses, exchange students and people returning to higher education after a pause in their studies.

Virtual Reality in library, Photo by Julia M Cameron (pexels.com)

With new technologies comes new possibilities. This applies even in libraries that are trying to mitigate the effects of library anxiety by experimenting with Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR). Doctor Sample conducted research in Oral Roberts University library where she used a virtual tour of the library to let students explore the interior of the library at their own time on their own devices and therefore lessening the anxiety of being in unfamiliar place. Even though this study did not have a significant representation of the groups most impacted by library anxiety, it has provided useful insight form traditional students with great feedback and comments that they wish something similar existed when they started going to the library.[2]

Virtual tour of the library and other ways in AR and VR to help users navigate and familiarize themselves with the layout of the library is in my opinion the key of bringing the ease of use of the library and lower the levels of library anxiety. This in turn encourages the students to more utilise the resources of the library and help them in their information endeavours which is the point of information literacy.

[1] Diane Mizrachi, “Library Anxiety,” Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (2017): 2782.

[2] Sample, A. 2020. Using Augmented and Virtual Reality in Information Literacy Instruction to Reduce Library Anxiety in Nontraditional and International Students. Information Technology and Libraries. 39, 1 (Mar. 2020). DOI:https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v39i1.11723.

