Drive Impact THIS School Year: Rapid EdTech Analysis in less than 100 days

EdTech Management
EdTech Management
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2016
If you got a problem, yo — we’ll solve it, Check out your edtech when we do this audit

We all know results matter. The Lea(R)n team takes great pride in the work we do with schools, districts, states and networks of all sizes and configurations — in K12 and higher ed. Each organization has unique challenges and opportunities, each pioneer or innovator — especially those personalizing learning — is trying to move the needle without toppling the apple cart. Education leaders want to make smart decisions so their students and teachers win.

In less than 100 days, Lea(R)n’s Rapid EdTech Analysis can help you aggregate, analyze, summarize and share the information you need to take control of your entire edtech situation, and understand:

  • Which products you have at every level of the organization,
  • Which products are being used,
  • Which products are working in the classroom,
  • Which products are never accessed or don’t deliver on their promise,
  • Which products meet compliance standards,
  • Which products are current, up for renewal or retired,
  • What pricing you’re getting — and how it compares to pricing others are getting;

and how to use all of this data to shift resources and budget from waste to win.

When you know what’s successful, you can transform dollars allocated to what’s not supporting learning objectives into informed investments in the tools and practices that accelerate results for students.

And you can do so quickly, with minimal staff capacity required. Rather than an expensive, long-term study or a complex manual process that requires cost-prohibitive resources and has significant opportunity costs across already over-burdened staff, the Rapid EdTech Analysis can provide insights, accurate assessments and a complete landscape to inform decisions and drive results, in less than 100 days. In most cases, the contribution in a large district is less than 12 hours of combined staff time, with the experienced Lea(R)n team and platform technology doing the heavy lifting. The easy-to-read report and accessible dashboards allow you to leverage information to make improvements for this school year, for teachers you have in classrooms now and students who are currently enrolled.

First know thyself, then shine for others

In addition to informing your own internal processes, budget decisions and instructional practices, the LearnPlatform is designed to support the many changing requirements from regulatory organizations and governing bodies as they up the ante for data use in grant, funding and regulatory requirements. In addition to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements for data-informed flexibility for districts and states, the U.S. Department of Education has requested rapid edtech evaluations, and the 2016 National Education Technology Plan emphasized the need for dashboards that provide schools with timely and actionable feedback for overseeing and assessing student outcomes, with “new commitments to support personalized professional learning for district leaders across the country working to improve teaching and student achievement through the effective use of technology.”

The Rapid EdTech Analysis is designed to set districts of any size on a path to win, when it comes to budgets, instruction and outcomes.



EdTech Management
EdTech Management

Helping educators, schools and districts make data-driven decisions about #edtech. Discover, evaluate and manage digital tools for teaching and learning.