Need to sign a PDF? Have a Mac? It takes seconds.

Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2020


MacBook Pro 16" & 13". Digital Image. Apple. Accessed May 22, 2020.

During the Winter 2020 semester we moved from the classroom to online delivery of our courses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 2, 2020 I had a student in my ENTI 407 — Technology for Entrepreneurs course submit their Entrepreneur Interview assignment ethic forms with the interviewee’s signature, but without their own signature on the PDF. Over the last few weeks, I’ve had some students ask about how they can sign their team contracts for their group projects.

MacBook Pro 16". Digital Image. Apple. Accessed May 22, 2020.
iMac. Digital Image. Apple. Accessed May 22, 2020.

I’m sure many people have experienced a situation where they receive a document in their email and need to sign and send the document back. Most people likely dread having to spend 10 minutes of their lives to print the document, sign the printed copy with a pen, scan the document, and email it back.

The first question I ask my students is whether they use a Mac as most students have Apple computers (Take one look around the classroom and you’ll see how dominant Apple is among students). If you have an Apple computer, whether it’s a iMac or…




🦄 Co-Founder & Strategist, Market Grade 👨‍🏫 Instructor, University of Calgary & Mount Royal University 🔮 predicting the future by creating it ➤