We’d love to learn about your education data challenges at the STC National Forum 2018

Schools that Can Meet Learnmetrics

Rickie Yudin


Just a few weeks from now, incredible educators from outstanding schools around the country will descend on Chicago for the annual Schools that Can National Forum. In what can only be described as an inspiring agenda, these passionate leaders will learn from one another in over 48 hours of sessions, speakers, and school tours. It’s a great celebration of excellence in traditional district, charter, and independent education that we are thrilled to be a part of. Centered around the theme of “Real-World Learning”, the conference is sure to deliver.

Ranging from addressing skills gaps to personalized learning, subject specific content to reaching all students, the content that will be explored will be far reaching and insightful. So where does Learnmetrics come in? These schools are tackling cutting edge challenges in real-time for their students and many are finding that old systems aren’t flexible or fast enough to support innovative work. We support that work by becoming a partner and providing a central hub from which to take these ideas and drive them to insights by aggregating, analyzing, and activating your education data.

Aggregation — While you dig into the “Real-World” content, keep in mind that like many STC schools you are using many disparate sources, some of which are going to be “hard to reach” in terms of teachers accessing data. We’ve designed our work around reaching them and getting the data into one place for, so you can stay focused on what makes you unique.

Analysis — The Real-World learning that STC schools are discussing requires custom visualizations and analyses that can’t be pre-packaged. We work with our partner schools to understand their unique needs, design custom dashboards, and iterate with them as they dig deeply into new questions and new insights. There is no pre-designed dashboard. We build what you need.

Activation — Once you have what you need, a live, real-time analysis shines light upon gaps you otherwise don’t know exist. Now we help you take action, alerting you to key metrics, subgroups of students, or places to allocate resources. You’re empowered to do the work you are trusted to do and Real-World learning has come alive.

We already work with and understand the individualized needs of exceptional schools that are interested in transforming education. In fact, we’ve worked with a number of STC member schools already, but we’re always on the lookout for new challenges and we’d love to learn about your challenges. We’ll be at the Innovation Exhibition throughout the day on May 2nd. Stop by and tell us what you are working on and you’ll have a chance to take home a set of 3 free data consultation sessions (webinars or phone calls) with Learnmetrics for your school.

Need some help getting your data organized before the conference? Visit our blog to download your copy of our “Data Collection Roadmap” for free.

Rickie Yudin

Chief Academic Officer



Rickie Yudin

NJ -- Places -- Chicago. Husband, new dad, novice fly fisher. #educator #eddata #edtech amongst other things I'm trying to figure out.