Why We Built Kaleidoscope

Julian Miller
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2018

When we founded Learnmetrics, we had a simple idea. EdTech should help educators through their operational workflows. As former educators, we felt the pain of disconnected systems. We personally struggled through the manual work to turn messy data into cohesive workflows. Today, I’m proud to say that we’ve solved that problem with our core product, Learnmetrics — If you lead a district or a school, you REALLY should take a look.

We spent the last five years and counting helping schools and districts to get what they need from their vendors. We’ve helped vendors turn their PDFs into APIs. We’ve helped districts by handling 95% of their state reporting in one click. We’ve helped to translate one data standard into another without schools needing to spend hours reformatting their data or vendors needing to rewrite their software.

All of these functions have provided real and lasting value to our partners and their vendors. More importantly, they’ve crafted our values at Learnmetrics. It would have been unethical for our team to work on these problems without keeping a critical eye on privacy, security, and interoperability. Yet, we routinely see these issues ignored in an ecosystem that serves some of our most vulnerable students.

The relationship between Districts, their data and their vendors is often managed by trust. Terms of Service, trust seals, and vendor pledges have been proposed solutions, but none of them address the single, biggest, glaring issue. Districts should be able to define what data can be seen by an entity, BEFORE any data is exchanged. And now, they can.

This is why we built Kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope by Learnmetrics is a new data intelligence and information sharing engine for Districts and Vendors. This toolkit enables Districts to visually map and manage their entire data ecosystem, before any data changes hands. This toolkit easily establishes District parameters around data access for vendors. This means the vendor can only access data through Kaleidoscope, eliminating any chance of gaining access to data that wasn’t explicitly granted by a School or a District.

Visual Map of Data Access
Visual Map of Product Distribution

We’re ready to fundamentally level-up Privacy, Security, and Interoperability for Schools, Districts, and Vendors. If you’d like more info about early access, we invite you to fill out this form.



Julian Miller

Ex-high school teacher/co-founder @Learnmetrics where we work to rebalance the relationship between education, data and edtech.