EdTechX Awards Spotlight: EvidenceB

Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2022

EvidenceB received the 2022 EdTechX ESG & Impact Award which recognises education or training companies that demonstrate the most meaningful ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies and impact strategies in education and learning.

EvidenceB Team

Co-founded in 2017 by Catherine de Vulpillières, Thierry de Vulpillières, Didier Plasse, and joined by Philippe Mero in 2020, EvidenceB brings together cognitive science and artificial intelligence to provide adaptive learning content and applications for K-12 education.

We spoke with co-founder, Thierry de Vulpillières to learn more about their work…

What was the inspiration behind starting EvidenceB?

EvidenceB was created to tackle inequality in education and high student dropout rates by combining the huge potential of cognitive science (how the brain learns, why some students fail) with the power of data and AI to deliver both personalized and adaptive leaning.

What would you like everyone to know about EvidenceB?

The company is 100% evidence based, leaning on the most current research on how a child’s brain integrates new knowledge, and strengthened by the best of machine learning to adapt learning resources to individual student needs.

What does winning the EdTechX Award mean to you and your business?

1. Our company is dedicated to K12 and, given that every child in the world has a brain that functions according to the same universal principles, we have adopted a curriculum agnostic approach to K12 education, focusing on those universal points of learning rather than trying to adapt to country or culture specific programmes. As EdTechX is global, this international reward is a strong sign that K12 EdTech could also be global.

2. Proof of efficacy is the next frontier for K12 EdTech and we strive to achieve this goal being 100% research based. Winning the EdTechX ESG & Impact Award demonstrates that we are serious about proving the efficacy of our modules of adaptive learning.

Looking back to the day you started, what would you have done differently?


What piece of advice would you give to other entrepreneurs working in the EdTech space?

Believe in K12! It is 11 years of a person’s life, and we should get much more from those years in terms of knowledge, skills and confidence than we currently do. This is an opportunity for K12 to meet student expectations.

What’s the one thing about EdTech you wish was discussed more?

The heart of the subject — learning: creating products that stimulate every student to learn more while nurturing a curiosity and desire to learn that is ingrained in all of us.

Can you share one prediction around the future of learning?

The black box we are going to open in the coming years is not the world of data for AI; it will be a continuous better understanding of how we learn, why we fail or struggle, and how to rectify this.

What do the next 5–10 years look like for EvidenceB and what impact do you see it having on the future of learning?

We are developing thousands of exercise modules, and we expect to have those modules present on all continents to help students and their teachers or parents overcome their difficulties.

Find out more about the 2022 EdTechX Award winners and finalists here…




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