London EdTech Week 2024: A Celebration of Innovation, Collaboration, and Future-Forward Thinking

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4 min readJun 21, 2024

London EdTech Week 2024 (17–21 June) was a resounding success, bringing together thought leaders, educators, innovators, and investors to explore and celebrate the latest advancements in education technology. From AI integration to global market trends, the week was packed with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and inspiring sessions. Here’s a comprehensive recap of the key themes and standout moments from the week.

AI in Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning

  • The role of AI in education was a prominent theme throughout the week. Goodnotes kicked off the discussions with their session on “Teaching and Learning with AI,” featuring an address by Lord Jim Knight. Attendees were treated to exciting presentations on the newest AI features and their benefits in the classroom.
  • HolonIQ continued the conversation with a roundtable on the transformative impact of AI on education outcomes. Experts explored how AI is driving the future of European EdTech and benchmarking Europe against other major regions. This session highlighted the importance of AI in shaping the future of education technology.
  • CheckIT Learning’s session on “Neuroscience & AI” delved into the intersection of educational neuroscience and AI. The focus was on strategies to enhance student resiliency and empowerment, showcasing how AI can provide personalized insights to foster academic and personal growth.

Leadership and Growth: Navigating the Digital Age

  • Leadership in the digital age was another key focus. HIK Trainings offered workshops on “Authentic Leadership in the Digital Age,” combining Gallup’s research with modern remote leadership practices. These sessions provided valuable tools and strategies for leading confidently in a remote and digital world.
  • The EdTech Executive Summit, hosted by AWS and EDT&Partners, was a highlight of the week. Industry experts, including Sir Anthony Seldon, discussed themes such as “Opportunities & Challenges of Entering New Markets” and “AI in Education.” This summit provided a platform for sharing insights and strategies to accelerate growth and innovation in EdTech.
  • Cooley & Oppenheimer provided invaluable insights on scaling EdTech businesses in the US market. The discussions focused on M&A strategies and lessons learned, offering guidance for European companies looking to expand their reach.

Global Perspectives: Insights from Around the World

  • Global market trends and best practices were prominently featured. EDGE Tutor’s session on Asia-Pacific’s tutoring market showcased the region’s innovative educational strategies. Leaders shared insights that highlighted the Asia-Pacific’s role as a global trendsetter in tutoring and technological integration.
  • The International Education Workshop, hosted by IBIS Capital and EF Education First, explored the impact of technology and online learning on global education. Key topics included equity and access, student upward mobility, and integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into educational frameworks.
  • techUK’s European EdTech Marathon celebrated innovations across Europe. This event featured discussions on accessing funding, building partnerships, and planning for growth. It provided a comprehensive overview of the thriving EdTech scene in the UK and beyond.

Community and Networking: Building Connections

  • Community and networking opportunities were abundant throughout the week. The Opening Reception, hosted by Brighteye Ventures and Oppenheimer, set the tone with an evening of catching up and networking.
  • UCL EdTech Labs’ Global Startup Mini Summit with co-hosts MindCET and SEK Labs facilitated vibrant discussions on pivotal topics driving innovation in EdTech. Attendees had the opportunity to build connections and collaborate with international peers and industry leaders.
  • Ufi Ventures hosted networking drinks focused on investing in the future of workforce development. This event brought together investors and founders dedicated to transforming adult learning for work, fostering connections that could drive future collaborations.

Innovation and Best Practices: Shaping the Future

  • The EdTechX Awards recognized outstanding achievements in the industry, celebrating the best and brightest in EdTech innovation. These awards highlighted the impactful work being done to advance education technology.
  • Goodnotes’ session on “AI and Productivity” showcased best use cases of AI for life, learning, and work. The panel discussion featured experts in productivity, EdTech, and GenAI, providing valuable insights and networking opportunities.
  • IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society’s hosted a session on “Piloting and Evaluating EdTech in English Schools” which emphasized the importance of EdTech Testbeds. This workshop shared learnings from other countries’ Testbed efforts and discussed how to adapt these approaches to the English school context.

London EdTech Week 2024 was a testament to the power of innovation, collaboration, and future-forward thinking in education technology. The diverse range of sessions and themes underscored the transformative potential of EdTech to enhance teaching and learning worldwide.

A heartfelt thank you to all the hosts, sponsors, and participants who made this week extraordinary. Let’s continue to drive innovation and shape the future of education together!

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