Q&A with Fabrice Mercier, CEO of Rapidmooc

Published in
6 min readMay 16, 2023
Fabrice Mercier, CEO of Rapidmooc

Fabrice Mercier is the CEO of Rapidmooc, a global leader in video recording solutions for the e-learning industry. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, Fabrice has launched multiple successful businesses. His passion for creating innovative solutions in the e-learning industry has led him to create Rapidmooc, a company that has transformed the way people record videos.

How was Rapidmooc created?

Prior to developing the Rapidmooc solution, our focus was on providing lecture recording solutions and video podcasting platforms to universities. While we achieved success and established ourselves as leaders in the field, we faced several obstacles related to recording conditions which made it challenging to produce high-quality training videos.

Fortunately, the emergence of MOOCs in the early 2010s revolutionized our approach and spurred us to develop a more efficient recording solution. That’s why we created Rapidmooc, to enable teachers or trainers to record studio-quality videos easily and independently, greatly reducing the high production costs associated with such content. Our primary objective was to make these video recording sessions fun and enriching for users, transforming the process into an enjoyable experience.

This approach proved to be highly successful and laid the foundation for Rapidmooc’s continued growth.

What is Rapidmooc?

Rapidmooc is an easy-to-use self-serve recording studio that enables anyone to create professional quality videos in just a few minutes. With our plug-and-play system, you can quickly produce educational content for MOOCs, e-learning courses, tutorials, expert interviews, and blended learning content.

Our user-friendly interface and state-of-the-art technology make the video creation process simple and intuitive, so you don’t need any technical expertise to use our platform. Rapidmooc empowers you to produce high-quality videos that engage your audience and enhance their learning experience.

Whether you’re a teacher, a trainer, or an expert in your field, Rapidmooc enables you to create educational content that meets your specific needs.

Image Rapidmooc

Our mission at Rapidmooc is to democratize the production of training and communication video content, making it accessible and affordable for everyone. We believe that video is the most popular format for communication and it’s essential for the digital transformation of organizations. Our goal is to simplify the professional creation of video content, making it easy for our users to create endless possibilities of videos independently and without technical complexity.

Rapidmooc is not just a product, it’s a state of mind shared by team members and users. We aim to make the process of video creation fun and enjoyable. Our solutions are driven by innovation, and we strive to keep the human being at the heart of the training and education. We believe that our approach to video creation enables our users to be creative, innovative, and to produce high-quality content.

What does the future of learning look like?

When it comes to the future of learning, it’s clear that numerous challenges must be addressed to ensure that we keep pace with the rapid changes in society, technology, and sustainable development expectations. One key area that demands attention is the need for personalized learning experiences that can be tailored to the unique needs and learning styles of each individual learner.

Personalization in education involves considering both personal and organizational expectations, so that learners can progress their skills and add value to their work, which in turn, leads to job satisfaction that benefits both the individual and the organization. This requires a training approach that is flexible, dynamic, and can adapt to the specific needs and learning preferences of each learner.

“The future of education will depend on the development and integration of intelligent technologies that can support personalized, adaptive, and effective learning experiences.”

However, for personalized training content to be produced efficiently and cost-effectively at scale, there is no other way than to leverage intelligent technology that can analyse learner data and context, and provide the best training solution based on that analysis. Intelligent technology such as AI and machine learning can help to create more efficient and effective learning experiences, by identifying areas where learners need more support or providing targeted feedback on performance.

Furthermore, the use of intelligent technology can help to track progress and measure learning outcomes, allowing learners and organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and make data-driven decisions to improve them. Overall, the future of education will depend on the development and integration of intelligent technologies that can support personalized, adaptive, and effective learning experiences.

How has video changed learning and development over the last five years?

Over the last five years, video has significantly changed learning and development by making it more accessible, engaging, and effective. The rise of online video platforms and social media has made it easier for individuals to access video content on demand, including educational and instructional videos. As a result, learners can now access video-based learning materials anytime and anywhere, without having to attend a physical classroom or training session and, with the lockdown in 2020, new tools had appeared to achieve that.

“Overall, the use of video in learning and development has proven to be a true paradigm shift.”

Video has also made learning more engaging by allowing instructors and trainers to use visuals, animations, and multimedia elements to enhance their teaching. Video content can be customized to meet the learning preferences and needs of individual learners, making it easier for them to grasp complex concepts and retain information. Moreover, video-based assessments and quizzes have become popular, providing learners with immediate feedback on their performance.

The integration of video into online learning management systems (LMS) has also streamlined the process of creating, managing, and delivering training content. The use of video has allowed for more efficient and cost-effective training, reducing the need for expensive in-person training sessions.

Overall, the use of video in learning and development has proven to be a true paradigm shift, offering learners a more accessible, engaging, and effective way to learn and develop their skills from the youngest age. At Rapidmooc, we are proud to have contributed to this transformation!

How is AI changing learning, especially large language models and ChatGPT?

AI is revolutionizing the way people learn by offering new opportunities for personalized, adaptive, and interactive learning experiences. With AI’s content generation capabilities (text, translation, images, videos, code…), learning becomes more practical and easier to comprehend. The number of people capable of producing quality content will also increase significantly. There is no longer a need to be a skilled graphic designer or writer to create content that can be used in professional training resources. This new reality is undoubtedly a game-changer and will help learners achieve their goals and succeed in a rapidly changing world.

It perfectly aligns with the philosophy that we’ve embraced at Rapidmooc since the beginning. We believe that human and AI production can complement each other to create high-quality content. Our aim is to strike a balance in our solution that preserves the authenticity of the content while leveraging the capabilities of AI. We want to continue empowering users of our video recording studios to improve their communication and storytelling skills as well as their confidence, while making the process enjoyable for them.

That is why we have already integrated ChatGPT into the Rapidmooc solution, not only to improve presentation materials but also to transform our video booth into an AI assistant for producing high quality video content.

In conclusion, the future of learning requires a training approach that is flexible, dynamic, and can adapt to the specific needs and learning preferences of each learner. The use of intelligent technology such as AI and machine learning can help create more efficient and effective learning experiences. Over the last five years, the use of video in learning and development has made it more accessible, engaging, and effective by allowing instructors and trainers to use visuals, animations, and multimedia elements to enhance their teaching. Rapidmooc has played a significant role in the transformation of the e-learning industry by democratizing the production of training and communication video content, making it accessible for everyone.

Rapidmooc will be exhibiting at the EdTechX Summit at Tobacco Dock, London on 22nd June. To join them and other industry leaders, book your summit tickets here.




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