AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) now supports gRPC protocol.

Manish Soni
Published in
Nov 2, 2020

gRPC: → gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication.

AWS recently added gRPC workloads with end to end HTTP/2 support in Application load balancer.

By this , you can use ALB to route and load balance your gRPC traffic between microservices or between gRPC enabled clients and services.

This will allow customers to seamlessly introduce gRPC traffic management in their architectures without changing any of the underlying infrastructure on their clients or services.

To use this feature on your ALB, Follow below steps:

  1. Choose HTTPS as your listener protocol.
  2. gRPC as the protocol version for your target group and register instance or IP as targets for the configured target group.
  3. ALB provides rich content based routing features that will let you inspect gRPC calls and route them to the appropriate target group based on the service and method requested. Within a target group, ALB will use gRPC specific health checks to determine availability of targets and provide gRPC specific access logs to monitor your traffic.

Check Following Blog Post for step by step demo of this feature:

Happy Learning!!



Manish Soni
Editor for

DevOps Engineer, AWS Certified Solutions Architect Reach me out at →